Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Flexes Her Muscle

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 26,2020

RUSH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said yesterday on CNN’s State of the Union that it was critically important for Joe Biden to give progressives like Bernie Sanders a cabinet position if he is elected president. Now, Jake Tapper was the anchor, said, “Politico is reporting that Senator Sanders has expressed an interest in being Biden’s labor secretary if Biden wins the White House. How crucial is it to the progressive movement that Biden offer an important position to Bernie in a Biden cabinet? Should that happen, should Biden win?”

And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, “Well, I think it’s extremely important. I think what a lot of people kind of misunderstand about the progressive movement is, it wasn’t a slogan when Bernie ran saying ‘not me, us,’ and so it’s not just about where Bernie Sanders is next term or what role that Sanders is playing, but really it’s about who the Biden administration is choosing to lead agencies across the board.”

So it is, according to her — and many people think she’s really one of the series of powers behind the throne — that it is important that Biden appoint Bernie to the cabinet. This is kind of like, “You better do it, dude, or else,” because they are all of the impression that Biden won’t even be the nominee were it not for Bernie, were it not for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez further said on the same CNN show yesterday that young Americans are gonna vote for Biden not because he’s their favorite person, but because they believe they can more easily sway him to act in their interests because Biden will be receptive to their advocacy, activism, and protest. He’s not even gonna know.

So, anyway, this, to me, is fascinatingly interesting. Because what we have here is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on CNN yesterday explaining how she is largely going to be telling Joe Biden what to do and who to put in the cabinet. And this is exactly what I have meant when I’ve talked about, who are these people behind Biden who are not running, whose faces are not on any campaign posters or what have you? They’re not running, they’re not raising any money, but they are the powers behind the throne.

And she clearly believes that she happens to be one of those people. And I don’t doubt it for a minute. And she has obviously been granted that power from Crazy Bernie. And you can see that Biden is falling in line here by saying climate change, number-one issue facing humanity. It’s an issue nobody cares about. But yet it is the number-one — and you know why?

Because climate change, as I have said, contains every little other issue that the left in this country cares about. Climate change soaks up everything, what you eat, what you don’t eat, what you drive, what you don’t drive, what you watch, what you say, what you think, all of it is contained within climate change. From their standpoint, the beauty of it is how all-encompassing it is.

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