Democrats Flip-Flop on In-Person Voting

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 24,2020

RUSH: Now, look at this, folks. Police in Greenville, Wisconsin, found three trays of mail in a ditch. And the three trays of mail included absentee ballots. “Police in Greenville, Wisconsin, found three trays of mail, including absentee ballots, in a ditch. The Outagamie County Sheriff’s Office discovered the trays in a ditch on Tuesday morning, near Appleton International Airport –” Been there many times. This is according to WLUK. “The mail was returned to the U.S. Postal Service -”

Why would these people be looking in ditches? You see the story, yeah, they found three trays of mail in a ditch. And nobody asks, what were they doing in a ditch? When’s the last time you saw some cops at a ditch? I mean, somebody had to direct ’em to the ditch, somebody had to tell ’em something was seen in the ditch. These are the questions that I ask. I ask these questions routinely. A lot of people don’t.


RUSH: Axios has a story: “Democrats pivot to promoting in-person voting.”

The China flu is over. We can all vote in person now on Election Day. What is this? “Democrats spent the early months of the coronavirus pandemic urging their base to vote absentee. But as threats of U.S. Postal Service delays, Team Trump litigation and higher ballot rejection rates become clearer, many [Democrats] are pivoting to promote more in-person voting as well.” And Axios says, “Why it matters?”

Well, the “Democrats are exponentially more likely to vote by mail than Republicans this year — and if enough mail-in ballots are lost, rejected on a technicality or undercounted, it could change the outcome…” Oh, do you believe this? They’re now urging people to vote in person, to not vote by mail, to not use paper ballots like this?

It says what’s “driving the news [is] in Colorado, former Gov. John Hickenlooper, who’s running against Sen. Cory Gardner, told Axios that he’s encouraging voters to physically take their mail-in ballots to a dropbox and to do so ‘early, really early.'” So the pandemic is over? It’s safe to vote in person now on Election Day, and the Democrats are “pivoting”?

I’m not making this up. Why, all of a sudden, is…? Axios, by the way, is a Millennial-targeted, mainstream, deep state outlet. I mean, it’s in the Washington establishment of approved journalistic enterprises. “Democrats are exponentially more likely to vote by mail than Republicans … and if enough mail-in ballots are lost…” They sound like Trump!

The Democrats all of a sudden are saying: You know, this mail in stuff, there’s too many things that can go wrong. The ballots could get lost like the ones we found in the ditch in Wisconsin. The mail-in ballots could be rejected on a “technicality,” might be undercounted, could change the outcome of the election. Got to vote in person!

I think there’s something else driving this, myself, my friends — and I think as is always the case, it’s me, and I’ll explain when I feel like it.


RUSH: Now, who is the guy that’s been urging all of you to not mess with this mail in stuff, just show up and vote? “COVID-19 notwithstanding, show up and vote, flood the zone, flood your polling place with yourself, just show up! That’s what leads to landslide wins. That’s what creates news about gigantic turnout,” which scares everybody — and that also, my friends, confounds exit pollers and everything. Just show up. Now all of a sudden, here comes the Democrat media suggesting that Democrats do the same thing? Hmm.


RUSH: Look, if you’re just joining us, there is a little story that hit today from Axios which I don’t think a whole lot of people are gonna be spending a lot of time on it. To me, this story is big. I could be proven wrong. But for the past number of weeks, the Democrats have been pushing, really pushing — I mean, they have been really urging — mail-in ballots, absentee, mail-in ballots, early voting, all this.

They’ve been pushing every way to vote except showing up on Election Day at your polling place, and they have also been telling their base, “Don’t panic on election night. We fully expect that on election night, as the vote count is reported, that Trump is going to appear to have won in a landslide, but be patient, because the mail-in ballots, gonna take a while to count ’em.

“The absentee ballots, gonna take a while to count them, and by the time all that happens, Biden is going to end up winning an Electoral College landslide. But don’t panic, Democrats, ’cause election night, it’s gonna look like Trump has won.” So you understand, they’ve been pushing every way of voting except showing up at your polling place on Election Day.

Now, in the midst of all that comes this story today from Axios. “Democrats pivot to promoting in-person voting — Democrats spent the early months of the pandemic urging their base to vote absentee…” The theory being that it’s not gonna be safe to show up. So much disease out there, the pandemic, social distancing and all that, it’s just too risky.

You might end up getting COVID-19 if you show up in person, so don’t do that. Vote paper. Vote mail-in. Vote absentee. Now they’re pivoting as though the flu, the China flu is not a big deal here — the pandemic, COVID-19. “Democrats spent the early months of the coronavirus pandemic urging their base to vote absentee.

“But as threats of U.S. Postal Service delays, Team Trump litigation,” meaning trying to throw out a bunch of paper ballots and mail-in ballots, “and higher ballot rejection rates…” They have found, by the way, that these mail-in ballots, a tremendous percentage of them get thrown out because there’s many things wrong with them — incorrect signature, no signature, incorrect address, no address — and the reason for that is that they are the perfect fraud vehicle.

So the Democrats are switching away from that as of today, September 24th, because of higher ballot rejection rates, because Trump’s gonna sue left and right. “[M]any [Democrats] are pivoting to promote more in-person voting,” and Axios says, “Why it matters: Democrats are exponentially more likely to vote by mail than Republicans this year…” Why would that be?

(chuckles) ‘Cause the Democrats have been urging their voters to vote by mail, and because their voters think it is an opportunity to game the system! “[I]f enough mail-in ballots are lost, rejected on a technicality or undercounted, it could change the outcome of the presidential election…” Really? I don’t know what they think the collective IQ of the readers of Axios news stories is, but it can’t be very high.

(impression) “Yeah, the reason why this matters is that Democrats are more likely to use mail-in ballots, and they could be rejected. They could be undercounted. Why, it could really change the outcome of the election.” No kidding? So the bottom line is for some reason the Democrats have figured that mail-in ballots gonna hurt ’em. When just last week, last week mail-in ballots were the ticket.

Mail-in ballots were the key to victory. Next paragraph: “Driving the news: In Colorado, former Gov. John Hickenlooper, who’s running against Sen. Cory Gardner, told Axios that he’s encouraging voters to physically take their mail-in ballots to a dropbox and to do so ‘early, really early.'” But now the effort’s underway to get people to show up in person on Election Day.

Why would that be? I don’t think this is gonna get much attention. Maybe I’m overemphasizing. I don’t know. I think it’s a big deal, ’cause they had so much invested in this mail-in ballot technique. They’ve been urging their voters to do this for weeks now, and I do think that I’m a factor here a little bit ’cause I’ve been urging all of you, everyday:

Just vote in person! Show up on Election Day. Flood the zone. Flood your polling place. It’s where landslide victories are: Actually voting on Election Day, having your vote counted that day. It can mess up their exit polls. It can accomplish so much. It demonstrates the turnout. It doesn’t leave anything to guess. I really think the old traditional way of voting is what’s called for.

You go to your polling place.

You get the ballot.

You take it in the machine.

You punch the holes you want.

You give it back to whoever, and you’re done.

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