Barr Blisters Liberals in Hillsdale College Speech

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 17,2020

RUSH: Last night in Washington — well, Arlington, Virginia, Hillsdale College Constitution Day celebration, and they had as their featured speaker, the attorney general, William Barr. We have four sound bites, four excerpts from his remarks. And the remarks raised a lot of controversy, created a lot of anger out there. So let’s get started here with the first one.

BARR: Our prosecutors have all too often inserted themselves into the political process based the flimsiest legal theories. Letting the most junior member set the agenda might be a good philosophy for a Montessori preschool, but it is no way to run a federal agency. What do you mean by interfere? Under the law, all prosecutorial power is vested in the attorney general. And these people are agents of the attorney general. And as I said, FBI agents, whose agent do you think you are? I don’t say this in a pompous way, but that is the chain of authority and legitimacy in the Department of Justice.

RUSH: You know, he left no question here who’s in charge at the Department of Justice. And it’s also, it’s obvious from listening to him that he’s fed up, folks, he is fed up with all that is happening. He’s fed up with the lack of law enforcement in places like Portland and Seattle. It’s really, really bothering him.

He said that the coronavirus lockdown, for example, is the greatest intrusion on civil liberties since slavery. Now, I gotta tell you, the Congressional Black Caucasians had a problem with that. And the civil rights coalition, you start talking the coronavirus lockdowns compared to slavery, and you are going to have a battle on your hands, and he does. But it was. It was unconstitutional. They didn’t have the authority, the constitutional authority to lock down this country, to tell businesses they can’t open, for example, is unconstitutional. He said that other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, coronavirus lockdowns were the greatest intrusion on civil rights in American history. He has been fuming out there over all of this stuff. Here’s the next sound bite.

BARR: They’re not interested in black lives. They’re interested in props, a small number of blacks who are killed by police during conflict with police, usually less than a dozen a year, who they can use as props to achieve a much broader political agenda.

RUSH: Do you realize — this is one of these statements that a lot of people think, more than you would know. But they don’t dare voice. Because they’re scared to death what would happen to them. He’s talking here about Black Lives Matter, and had he blistered them. But he knows who they are. They’re not interested in black lives. That’s the marketing. That’s the PR. That’s the umbrella. That’s the distraction. That’s the way they’ve made people buy into this silly notion that they’re a civil rights group.

They are a full-fledged, unapologetic, Marxist, Leninist group which despises the United States of America as founded. They despise capitalism, and they’re objective is to overthrow it. And Barr knows it. And I’m telling you, he’s sitting out there, he’s frustrated that nobody is willing to stand up to ’em. I guarantee you — I’ve not talked to him. I probably shouldn’t put words in his mouth. I’m assuming that he watches one corporate entity after another bend over and grab the ankles for these people, and he’s wondering where the hell is the backbone anywhere in our country, where is our spine. They’re not interested in black lives.

Do you realize these college age white Millennial women, when they hear that, do you realize how mad that’s gonna make them? “What do you mean they don’t care about black lives? That’s all they care about. He’s a white supremacist.” And that’s how they’re gonna try to characterize Barr and relegate him to irrelevancy, just call him a white supremacist, when they don’t even know what that means. No, they don’t know what it means. It’s just a couple of syllables put together that sound good, but they don’t know what white supremacy means. Not as it’s used by people mischaracterizing it.

They’re not interested in black lives. They’re interested in props, a small number of blacks killed by police during conflict with police, usually less than a dozen a year, they can use as props to achieve a much broader political agenda. What that means is they take the instances of black lives lost at the hands of the police and use that to implement a political agenda that they’re really not — they don’t care about George Floyd is his point.

They don’t care about George Floyd. They don’t care about Breonna Taylor. They want you to think that that’s why they exist, but that’s not at all what their objectives are. Look. He’s gotta be frustrated like we all are. If you go to the Black Lives Matter website, they’re front and center about who they are and what their objective is. And how in the world all these different corporate entities can just ignore it? Here’s the next short little sound bite.

BARR: A person in a white coat is not the grand seer who can come up with the right decision for society. A free people makes its decision through its elected representatives.

RUSH: Right on. Hear the applause start at Hillsdale College. The person in the white coat, meaning we’re not gonna bring some phony baloney, plastic banana good time rock-n-roller in here and outfit them in a white coat and tell you they are a scientist. You put a white coat on them, it doesn’t make them a climate change expert. It doesn’t make them a coronavirus expert. It makes them a prop. The person in the white coat, not a grand seer who can come up with the right decision for society.

You could almost say Dr. Fauci is not some grand seer who can come up with the right decision for society. The American people, a free people, make its decision through its elected the representatives, not some grand seer. I know he’s sitting out there frustrated, like we all are, at the ease with which these propagandists are succeeding. Here the final little bite.

BARR: You know, putting a national lockdown, stay-at-home orders is like house arrest. It’s, you know, other than slavery, which was a different kind of restraint, this was the greatest intrusion on civil liberties in American history.

RUSH: Oh, whoa. Wow. Oh, my, oh, my goodness. Well, we have after the break, James Clyburn, father of Mignon Steak Clyburn of the Congressional Black Caucasians, is fit to be tied because, see, only Democrats are allowed to make comparisons with slavery. Not people like Bill Barr, fat white guys don’t get to do it.

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