The Kennedy Dynasty Goes Under

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 2,2020

RUSH: Is the Kennedy dynasty over with? I think it is. I think it’s been over with for much longer than people want to admit.

Joe Kennedy III losing to the 74-year-old Ed Markey in Massachusetts, the Senate primary in the election yesterday.


RUSH: Joe Kennedy III, “39-year-old grandson of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy promised a new generation of leadership, casting Markey as out of touch after decades in Congress, first in the House…then in the Senate, beginning in 2013.

“Kennedy hit Markey on the issue of racial inequity, while highlighting his own family’s storied political legacy,” and it didn’t matter. So now the Drive-Bys are running around, their wringing their hands.

“Oh, my God. Is this the end of Camelot? Oh, no! Is it the end of…?”

Yes, it’s the end. Camelot hasn’t been a real thing in a long time.

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