Portland’s Pajama Boy Mayor Is Moving After Rioters Attack His Condo

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 2,2020

RUSH: Have you heard about the Portland mayor, Ted Wheeler? Ah, this is great. He’s moving out of his condo. They drove him out. It sounds like he decided to move, but I don’t think that’s what’s going on here. The Democrat mayor of Portland, a Pajama Boy, Ted Wheeler… He’s a blond Pajama Boy. Just looks like — exactly like — an Obama TV commercial Pajama Boy for selling health care.

He’s moving. He lives in a condo that costs $840,000. He “is moving … to avoid rioters who have repeatedly targeted the building.” Now, let’s just take that for a second. This guy has gone out of his way to let the rioters know he is simpatico. He has shown up. He has urged them on. He has egged them on. He has acted almost like a groupie! In fact, that may be the best way to describe the guy. He does.

He acts like a groupie of Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and all of the violent looters and rioters. They tear-gassed him. They make fun of him. You know how obvious fanboys are sometimes treated. Now, this guy is such an obvious groupie that they laugh at him and mock him because they can take one look at him and know that he’s not one of them.

But he hates Trump so much that they’re heroes to this guy. I mean, Black Lives Matter and Antifa and all of these rioters and looters, they are his heroes because they hate Trump and he hates Trump. Now they’re attacking the condo where he lives. Ted Wheeler wrote to neighbors in his building to say it would be ‘best for me and for everyone else’s safety and peace’ for him to move from the building that rioters tried to torch on his 58th birthday Monday…”

The people he idolizes — the people he supports, the people that he encourages, the people that he is literally a groupie of — tried to torch his condo building on Monday. So he’s decided to move out. He said, “I want to express my sincere apologies for the damage to our home and the fear that you are experiencing due to my position.” These are people in the building.

“The mayor bought his two-bedroom condo in the building with 114 units for [840 big ones] in 2017, the paper said, citing property records.” This is not what’s going on. You know what’s going on here? Snerdley, you know what’s going on. The condo board!

It’s like the co-op boards in a co-op in New York. Well, condos have boards, and they don’t want any part of this guy because he’s let it be known as a groupie of these people, and these people are coming around and torching the building. There are 114 other units in this building, and they want no part of it.

So, he’s trying to make it look like he’s being a really big guy. (impression) “I’m going to make the ultimate sacrifice, and I’m going to leave my home!” I think the condo board told him to grab his stuff and get out after they — (laughing) I shouldn’t laugh; I’m sorry — attack his building on Monday. What is this?

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