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RUSH: According to Politico, the biggest public transit system in America is facing ruin. Will Congress step in and save it?

After the coronavirus hit, New York’s Metropolitan Transit Authority got a $4 billion bailout from Washington. They blew through it. Now they’re facing a $10 billion deficit, and they’re worried the $3 billion the MTA gets from taxes won’t come through because the tax base is gone.

Now, all options are supposedly on the table: Massive increases in fares, slashing the labor force (which means war with the unions), slashing the operating budget, slashing service.

But even if Governor Cuomo takes all these actions, they’ll still gonna be billions in the hole. If New York mass transit fails, liberals fear it will lead to an economic crisis in the entire Northeast.

So New York politicians are begging the federal government for $32 billion to keep the transit authority going. Democrats who run the House are happy to spend whatever Andrew Cuomo and Chuck You Schumer ask for. But Republicans? Not so much.

Why should the Republicans intervene? Northeast liberals have spent every wakin’ moment for the last four years trashing Trump, and now they come in, hat-in-hand, begging for billions to save the city they are destroying?

The proper response is to tell them to go pound sand at a landfill. Let them fix their problems themselves. They’re going to have to save that city somehow, especially since their policies caused these problems!

Let them see if they can learn something.

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