Kamala Harris, Descendant of Slave Owners, Alienates Black Voters

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 17,2020

RUSH: Here’s a story, huge. “Joe Biden Alienated Black Voters by Choosing Kamala Harris. …

“The latest Rasmussen poll found that a third of black likely voters said they are ‘less likely’ to vote for Biden after the Harris pick, while a third said they were ‘more likely’ to do so, and another third either said the VP pick will have no impact or their votes or that they weren’t sure what impact it will have.”

Now, I’m just gonna read you a pull quote from the story. This is from the story. This is not your host, El Rushbo, okay? “Kamala Harris is among the slimiest of politicians and her prickly style makes her less likable as well. While Biden may have thought he would bolster his intersectionality credentials by picking the Democrats’ Great Black-Asian Female Hope as his VP, it seems he merely ended up shooting himself in the foot…”

This is… By the way, Tyler O’Neil is the author who wrote that. I think the big mistake picking a… He boxed himself in. He guaranteed that he had to pick a black woman — or, well, “a woman of color.” He had to check a box. Nothing about qualification. Nothing about making a wise political choice. Like, why would you pick somebody who’s not gonna get you a single extra electoral vote?

He’s gonna get California’s electoral votes whether she’s on the ticket or not. In the normal ebb and flow of things, you pick somebody that’s gonna help you in the Electoral College. That’s who elects the president. He picked somebody that offers no assistance at all and then may end up providing baggage in that regard. Now, “Why?” you’re asking.

“Why would Kamala Harris alienate black voters when, for all intents and purposes, she appears to be black?” Well, there may be this little ditty. Dinesh D’Souza had been looking into Kamala Harris, and he had tweet a couple of days ago. “The privilege Kamala Harris has enjoyed throughout her life was built on the backs of 200 black slaves, forced to work on 5 plantations by her ancestor Hamilton Brown.

“I’ve yet to hear any sympathy from the Left for these black lives, which evidently don’t matter at all.” Apparently… Look, this is not “apparently.” We’ve all known it. Those of us who have studied Kamala Harris, those of you who looked into her background, we know she’s not African. She doesn’t have “slave blood.” She not down for the struggle. She not. None of that. She doesn’t have any attachment, like Obama didn’t.

Obama didn’t have any direct attachment to the struggle. He didn’t have any direct attachment to Selma, even though he went there, tried to make it look like he did. She doesn’t either. In fact, her family was wealthy in Jamaica, and they owned slaves. And it’s not just Dinesh D’Souza. Jamelle Bouie in the New York Times finally admits Kamala Harris might be descended from a slave owner. Now, Jamelle Bouie is a male. I know that ESPN has some people named Jamelle and they’re women. So you don’t really know until somebody tells you. But this Jamelle Bouie is a male.

He does not give his readers the slightest indication of how large a slave owner Hamilton Brown was, but Dinesh D’Souza has done the investigating and found out. And he’s published the names, 200-plus slaves owned by Kamala Harris’ ancestor, Hamilton Brown in Jamaica, 1817. Hamilton Brown and his plantation, one of the largest planters in Jamaica, Brown now has a town named after him. It’s called Brown’s Town in Jamaica.


RUSH: So ask yourself this question — CNN, by the way. CNN is just doing a little discussion here. “Kamala Harris addresses skeptical voters in the black community.” Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait a minute. Isn’t that why she was chosen? She looks African-American. Maybe people have found out she’s Jamaican, Indian. Maybe the African-American community thinks she’s trying to fool me here, we’re not buying. Whatever.

So this is real. They’re doing a little story here on, “Oh, what’s the problem? How can she fix this?” Here’s the thing that gets me. The woman ran in the Democrat primaries for the nomination. She was the first to get out before a single vote had been cast. Why did she get out? Because she was throwing away money. Every dime she raised was being wasted. And then she got to the point where she having trouble raising it. The point is, she was rejected. She was the first one that Democrat voters rejected.

Folks, it’s a big deal to get out of the primaries — 16 people in there, whatever the number was — before a single vote, before a single primary. You would have thought, if you’re the Biden people or the Democrat National Committee, you would have thought that if she had pull with the African-American voting community, then it would have shown up in the primaries.

But it didn’t. It didn’t show up much for Cory Booker. It certainly didn’t show up for Kamala Harris. So now, now they got a problem. What do they do? How do they fix the fact that she’s alienated the black community?


RUSH: There are those who say that Plugs chose Kamala Harris to appease big tech and Silicon Valley. ‘Cause apparently he doesn’t have the chops on his own to be able to appease them or assure them that they’re gonna be safe. Where else are they gonna go?


RUSH: Got another tweet here from Dinesh D’Souza 25 minutes ago. He said: The left has been pulling down statues of George Washington, the founder of the country, because he owned slaves. They’ve been pulling down statues of Thomas Jefferson because he owned slaves. They’ve been pulling down statues of Alexander Hamilton because he owned slaves. Now they want to put in the Oval Office, once Biden keels over, a woman who is a direct beneficiary of five slave plantations and more than 200 slaves. That would be Kamala Harris.

Folks, there’s no denying this. Her family were big slave owners. Five slave plantations, 200 slaves. The family wealth was created by virtue of these plantations. So the Democrats are out there ripping down all these founders. They owned slaves. Now they’re gonna put somebody in the Oval Orifice who owned slaves, or whose family did.

And here. Just to show you that somebody’s figured out maybe too late that they’ve got a problem here with Kamala Harris and the African-American vote. Let’s go to CNN. This is when they were talking about this. I told you they were having a little panel discussion over, “Uh-oh. Oh, no. What do we do now? Kamala Harris, black voters expressing some problems.”

So we have here one of the cofounders of Black Lives Matter, Alicia Garza, was being asked a question by John King. Question: “In these protest marches, for so many of the people the word ‘prosecutor’ is a dirty word, and yet you’ve had a recent conversation with Senator Harris. Can you share that with us?”

GARZA: What I can say is that we’ve had several conversations with Senator Harris about a range of policy issues. Some things that we pushed her on and other things that we had complete alignment around. There are a lot of people who are very clear about that and a lot of people who want to see more from her. And that is actually okay. In a functional democracy what we do is we push candidates to be better and more responsive to the issues that we care about. And so she should continue to be held accountable. She should continue to be supported in coming to the right position on the issues we care about.

RUSH: What a bunch of gobbledygook. What she’s saying there is that Black Lives Matter is working with Kamala Harris to get her head right, to get her mind right. And how about this line, “In a functional democracy what we do is -” Black Lives Matter doesn’t believe in democracy. Black Lives Matter is an admitted Marxist organization. It’s in their bylaws. It’s on their Web page. They proudly brag about it. Functional democracy, my formerly sizable butt. It ain’t that anymore. She’s full of it here. These people are in a panic.


Let’s go sound bite 23. I gotta go fast here. This is James Clyburn, the Congressional Black Caucasians this afternoon on Fox. All this talk about Kamala Harris not being popular with African-Americans. Question: “Kamala Harris urging black Americans to vote. Why is this even an issue? Why does she have to say to black people, go out there and vote?”

CLYBURN: Nobody is beyond needing to be convinced. People have their differences.


CLYBURN: That’s what a democracy is. It’s about different views coming together and working through those differences and trying to find common ground.

HARRIS FAULKNER: Do you think Joe Biden knows that? Because in his recent remarks he said things, “If you’re black and you don’t vote for me, you’re not black.” Do you think your candidate gets what you’re saying?

CLYBURN: He is a much better man than the alternative.

RUSH: Ohhh.

CLYBURN: He understands that there are differences of opinion.

RUSH: Uh-oh.

CLYBURN: And he was making light of a situation.

RUSH: Uh-oh.

CLYBURN: We all knew what he meant.

RUSH: Uh-oh.

CLYBURN: I knew what he meant.

RUSH: Uh-oh.

CLYBURN: I said at the time, I cringed when he said it.

RUSH: Oh, no. He cringed when he done said it. He cringed when Plugs said it. Oh, no. Well, we didn’t know that he cringed when Plugs said it. We didn’t know that ’til just now. He didn’t answer the question. What in the world is Kamala Harris having to convince black people to vote for this ticket? What’s that about? He didn’t answer that. So let’s go back, August 5th of 2020. This is the National Association of Black Journalists and Hispanic Journalists virtual convention.

BIDEN: Yes. And, by the way, what you all know but most people don’t know, unlike the African-American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.

RUSH: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And the African-Americans, they’re monolithic. There’s no differences. Hispanics, you people, you’re really diverse. But blacks, no way, dude. No way. I guess James Clyburn was cringing then. And let’s go to back to May 22nd when Plugs appeared with my old buddy Charlemagne the God on his Breakfast Club show.

BIDEN: You got more questions, but I tell you, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.

RUSH: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” I have a theory on Kamala Harris. I tell you, nobody jams more into a program than this one. I think if you look at her record, why is she on the ticket? You know, I’ve been asking myself. She didn’t get any votes. Why is she on the ticket?

If you look at her record as DA and attorney general California, San Francisco, she punished her political opponents. She rewarded political supporters. She helped enshrine the one-party permanency in in California. And as president she’d do the same thing, which at the national level means moving hard left, disempowering states and businesses and individuals and centralizing power in D.C. where they intend to control decision-making for generations.

My point is that the reason she may be on the ticket is specifically because of what secured her defeat in the primaries, a rabidly ultra-far-left radicalism that they are counting on her using and employing eventually as president.

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