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RUSH: This is Ben in Matawan, New Jersey. Welcome. I’m glad you waited, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Great show, as usual, and God bless you for what you do.

RUSH: Well, thank you very much, sir. Appreciate that.

CALLER: You’re welcome. Rush, I’m of the opinion that if Joe Biden’s selection for vice president is down to either Kamala Harris or Susan Rice, that Susan is a natural shoo-in for him. She was national security advisor for four years under the Obamas and she’s a great friend of the Obamas. And as vice president she would have a great influence on policy with Joe Biden, Obama’s policies. And then if he has cognitive decline and resigned, she would be president, obviously. And seeing that she would pave the way for Michelle Obama to run. She would be president for a few hours then step aside and Michelle Obama would run —

RUSH: Well, wait, wait, wait, since you mention Michelle, get sound bite number seven. This is Michelle Obama on Spotify’s Michelle Obama podcast yesterday. And she spoke with the author Michele Norris from NPR about the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on their lives, and Michelle Obama said this.

MICHELLE: I know that I am dealing with some form of low-grade depression, not just because of the quarantine, but because of the racial strife and just seeing this administration, watching the hypocrisy of it day in and day out —

RUSH: Holy cow.

MICHELLE: — is dispiriting.

RUSH: You people ever heard of Thomas Eagleton?

So here is Michelle Obama — by the way, can these liberal women not say S’s? We’re down for the shtruggle? It’s the adminishtration? And now there is the racial shtrife. It’s S. It’s administration. It’s racial strife. It’s down for the struggle. Anyway, she’s saying here she’s got low-grade depression, not just ’cause of quarantine, but the racial strife and the administration and the hypocrisy day in and day out. She’s just said that she’s Thomas Eagleton Jr.

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