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RUSH: Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. This is Missy. Missy, glad you waited. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hi.

CALLER: Thanks for taking my call, Mr. Limbaugh.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: I wanted to talk about COVID real quick. Last year, according to the CDC, 2.8 million people died. That’s 2.8 million people. That comes out to roughly 7,617 a day.

RUSH: Wait, wait. Just to be clear, this is of anything and everything?

CALLER: Correct, sir, of anything and everything, 2.8 million people died last year of a bunch of stuff.

RUSH: Old age, cancer, tuberculosis, embarrassment, whatever it is, 7,617 people a day?

CALLER: A day, 228,000 a month, based off of last year’s statistics if you break that down.

RUSH: All right.

CALLER: So far up to date this year based on last year’s statistics, 1.6 million people have already died of things other than COVID. We’re destroying everyone’s livelihood and shut down the economy for 150,000 people over the course of three months. So far this year, 1.6 million people have already died. Dr. Fauci, why haven’t you saved them? If you got up out of bed this morning, Mr. Limbaugh, you took a chance at dying. So far everything you’ve done today has been a risk to your life.

RUSH: That’s right.

CALLER: If you walk down the steps, you risk dying from a slip-and-fall. If you took a shower, same thing. If you plugged anything into an electrical outlet, you risked death. If you walked across the street, you risked death. If you exercise, you risk —

RUSH: I don’t exercise and I don’t walk across the street so you gotta cross those two off for me.

CALLER: So throughout your normal course of the day you risk death 2,000 times a day, minimum. We’re afraid of COVID, which has a 98.3% recovery rate unless you have one of comorbidity issues? Are you kidding me? Should you be scared of COVID at this point, based on what you know, that 1.6 million people died so far this year of other things?

RUSH: Well, no, but, of course, everybody is because of the treatment it’s getting in the media. The cases that are being reported are being reported as eventual deaths, and like I shared with you last week a survey that shows — and the source of this was credible. I can’t remember what it was. The average American thinks that 30 million people have died from COVID already, Missy. Nine percent. The average American thinks 9% of the country’s already died from COVID.

CALLER: Okay. Can we change course for a second?

RUSH: Oh, yeah.

CALLER: If you go to the hospital, do you know anybody who’s ever passed away in the hospital? Yes. Why don’t we shut them down then? If someone died there, why don’t we —

RUSH: I know. That’s like everybody that died yesterday probably ate carrots in the preceding two months, so why don’t we eliminate carrots? I mean, if people that died yesterday, what percentage of them had smoked weed in the preceding three weeks? Ban weed. Yeah, yeah. I can’t refute your statistics, and I can’t refute your thinking on this.

I’ll tell you there’s something else. There is something else about this, folks. The people who are telling you what you have to do to shut down your business, to not send your kid back to school, to not go back to work, these are people that have not lost a paycheck during this crisis. Have you noticed? There’s not a single federal worker that’s been fired. Not a single one. This is crucially important. The people that have not lost a paycheck are the ones telling you that you need to give up your livelihood, shut down your business, don’t go back to your job.

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