Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Unfair Protests

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 19,2020

RUSH: So, after city commissioners voted to slash almost $16 million from the Portland police budget, hundreds of protesters showed up at Mayor Ted Wheeler’s residence.

The protesters shouted “Black Lives Matter!” and “Hands up, don’t shoot!” They weren’t mad that the budget had been cut. They were in a total rage because the $16 million cut was so small. They wanted a $50 million cut from the police budget.

And one of the city commissioners agrees with ’em! She voted against the $16 million cut because, in her view, it wasn’t deep enough.

Now, meanwhile in nearby Washington State, protesters showed up at the home of Cheryl Selby, the mayor of Olympia — and they vandalized her home! The mayor had declined to issue a curfew when the protests started in her area. She went out of her way to express solidarity with these protester human debris types. But now she is singing a different tune.

She says the Black Lives Matter protesters who spray-painted her home are like domestic terrorists. The mayor says she’s still trying to “process” what happened to her home. She complains: It’s just “not fair.” I reached out!

Well, Ms. Mayor. Even though the security and condition of your home matters to you, it doesn’t matter to them. All homes, like all lives, don’t matter to the left. Certainly yours doesn’t. Life certainly is unfair sometimes, especially in your case, isn’t it?

What are you gonna do?

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