Why’s It News That Lisa Murkowski Still Hates Trump?

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 4,2020

RUSH: I’ve got more people asking me, “Did you see what Lisa Murkowski said?” Yeah, I saw it. Big deal! There’s no surpri… (interruption) You haven’t seen it? Oh, okay. Well, grab sound bite number 27. This is her speaking with reporters up on Capitol Hill, and it’s about Trump, and this what she said…

MURKOWSKI: I’m struggling with it. I have struggled with it for a long time. Um, he is our duly elected president. I will continue to work with him. I will continue to work with his administration. Um, but I… (big sigh) I think right now as we are — as we are all struggling to — to — to find ways to express the words that need to be expressed appropriately —

RUSH: What?

MURKOWSKI: — um, questions about who I’m gonna vote for or not gonna vote for I think are — are distracting foment.

RUSH: I think I counted three times that she said she is “shtruggling,” and, by the way, the correct pronunciation is “shtruggle.” It’s the Michelle Obama preferred way, and Marie Harf says it. You gotta stay “shtruggle” either “down for the shtruggle” or “your shtruggle” or “we’re shtruggling.” But what in the world in earth-shattering about Lisa Murkowski not liking Trump?

What’s earth-shattering about Lisa Murkowski not supporting her own party? Why is this news? “You shoulda heard what Lisa Murkowski said!” I don’t need to hear what Lisa Murkowski said, because I can already tell you what it’s gonna be. (crumbling up paper) Snerdley hadn’t heard it. Is your life now more well-rounded since you heard that? (interruption) That’s exactly my point! She’s always been that way.

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