Los Angeles Mayor Bows to Anarchists, Defunds Police

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 4,2020

RUSH: We got Dave in Calabasas, California. It’s great to have you, Dave. Welcome to the program.

CALLER: Thanks, Rush. First of all, I love you very much, and I love your brilliant insights. Hopefully, I’ll reflect some now regarding Los Angeles. To me, when Pastor Garcetti comes out and says we’re gonna cut LAPD budget, it says deep state is in control of city hall. Never have I seen a response so quickly to public demand. Now, here’s what we need to look at. This is gonna be a war between city hall and the cops.

The police union head said, “We do not like to be dragged through the mud when you’re calling for reform for things we’re already doing. That’s to begin with. But, secondly, when you cut the police budget and call for salary cuts, that is a line in the sand.” There’s gonna be a war. The cops are gonna let the crime stats skyrocket to reflect badly upon this, to show that these cuts are wrong. And it’s gonna be anarchy in the streets. It’s gonna embolden the criminals. The cops aren’t gonna get out to enforce. They’re gonna be under attack. And if I was a property owner or business owner in LA, I would be packing up and getting the heck out while I could.

RUSH: Yeah. I know. By the way, the cops are not gonna have to let the crime stats skyrocket. They’re not gonna be able to do anything about it because there’s not gonna be a budget to respond to anything.

CALLER: Rush, again, I cannot underemphasize, this proves deep state has control of Pastor Eric Garcetti and the LA city council, and they’re gonna be having Antifa chip away. I mean, this is really the beginning of the end of something that we have never seen in our lifetimes and never thought could happen. I predicted a wave of homelessness in 2006 that would result in the National Guard, but I never in my wildest dreams expected we would have our elected officials be against Americans and against America and purposefully deconstruct and chip away the city as we’ve known it. It’s over.

RUSH: Dave, they are kowtowing to the protesters, rioters, and looters. They’re kowtowing to this contingent that thinks the cops are the root of all evil in America. Folks, if you’re wondering what this is all about, “This guy, he’ really ticked off,” this is what it is.

Los Angeles city council members yesterday introduced a motion to cut up to $150 million dollars in funding to the Los Angeles Police Department. I’ve also seen the figure $250 million. I’m not sure which is which, but either one is unsatisfactory.

“Los Angeles City Council President Nury Martinez and Councilmembers Herb Wesson, Curren Price and Monica Rodriguez introduced the legislation,” to reprioritize public safety money, reinvesting the money in other services, including services to uplift disenfranchised communities. Gonna take money from the cops and give it to the welfare state.

Quote, “We need to rethink what it is that makes people safer and makes communities stronger. … There is no doubt that communities of color suffer disproportionately from negative interactions with the police.”

And so we need to eliminate negative interactions with the police, and the way to do that is to eliminate the police. And then everything’s gonna be better. Then communities of color will be safer and stronger when there aren’t any police out there. The new legislation comes as calls to defund the LAPD have been echoed in protests throughout the city. And, by the way, it’s not gonna be contained in Los Angeles only.


RUSH: Here you go. “Movement to Defund Police Gains ‘Unprecedented Support’ Across the Country.” Some lawmakers now agree. New York state senator, Democrat socialists agree, defund the cops.

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