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RUSH: Mark in Eden, Minnesota. I’m glad you waited, sir. You’re next. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, thanks, Rush.

RUSH: You’re welcome, sir.

CALLER: I want to say dittos to you and Kathryn and prayers from Minnesota.

RUSH: Thank you, sir, very much. We appreciate it.

CALLER: So the thing that kind of concerns me is that… How do I put it? I remember Al Franken in my answer and how he won by a thousand votes that we didn’t have, and that’s one of the scares that I have coming up to the presidential election. I know that Minnesota… I think that Jason Lewis did a book on it, but it was where Minnesota was kind of taken over by a thousand votes in Duluth that showed up in somebody’s trunk.

RUSH: Yep. I remember that.


RUSH: It’s a famous case of Democrat vote fraud.


RUSH: They were gonna keep looking for ballots until they found enough to put that Looney Tune over the top, and they did.

CALLER: Yep, and I think that’s a pretty strong thing going on in Minnesota and it kind of scares me. The other thing is — you know, you kind of reiterated it earlier — I went to the University of North Dakota, and I took a class there, Perspectives on Aerospace. This is not what I called about, but I met Buzz Aldrin and he was one of the professors of the class and he had to leave after the… I forgot the name. I think it was Discovery that (crosstalk).

RUSH: Say, Frank, can I ask you a question?


RUSH: It says here that you’re a theater owner, unessential, and you wanted to talk about that. Why are you bringing this other stuff up?

CALLER: Well, because I was listening to the show. But I’m a small-town theater owner and I’ve been closed down by the state, and so I kind of want to speak up for theater owners. My theater… I live in a town of 1,600. So it’s not really a big deal, but it’s a good thing for me, and our popcorn is pretty good. But I can’t go to work because of the shutdown.

RUSH: Wait. Frank, where do you get your popcorn for your theater?


RUSH: Where do you get the popcorn? What brand is it?

CALLER: It’s Vogel white popcorn. I get from a place called Dakota Paper.

RUSH: And is it —

CALLER: But we pop it with coconut oil.

RUSH: There you go! There. That’s why your theater smells the way it should.

CALLER: Yes, it does. You’re astute on that. Coconut oil is (crosstalk).

RUSH: You’re upset because somebody has told you that you are unessential.

CALLER: Yes! Absolutely! I want to know… I would like to have the government take all of their people and say who’s unessential there, and they could give me the money that they are all getting.

RUSH: You know, Frank, all government workers are essential. There’s not a one of them that did not get paid. There’s not a one of them that isn’t getting paid. This whole argument, this essential and nonessential, is a replay of 2016, the deplorables versus the elites. Who in the hell wants to be told they’re unessential, and then who gets to decide this?

Well, who is deciding it? Well, it’s elements of the administrative state in Washington who are determining “You’re unessential. What you do is unessential. You, you’re needed.” Now, a lot of it is political, obviously, but I think choosing those terms and using those terms is quite indicative of the mind-set, the way we are seen by our elite betters in government.

Where are they? They’re sitting there either in their state capitol or in Washington, and they’ve got lists — essential and unessential — and so you own a theater in a town of 1,600. “You’re unessential. Your theater can stay closed. To hell with you! To hell with your employees.” Who gets to decide this? This is the kind of thing — and I hope the Democrats continue.

The Democrats love making these distinctions between people. Who is better, who is more qualified, who’s smarter, who’s more educated, who’s more necessary… All it means is, “Who’s more like us?” and what you have learned here, Frank, is that your elite betters in Washington don’t give a rat’s rear end about movie theaters because many of them don’t have to go to a movie theater to see the movie.

They’ve got other ways and other connections for doing it. But I think this is a potential gold mine for the Trump campaign to play up. You know, lay this one off on the left. Lay it off on the Democrats. They’re the ones coming up with these distinctions. Essential/nonessential. Essential/unessential.

By the way, another question related to all of this, and it would relate to you and your theater out there, Frank. Nothing in any of this stands up to any real test of common sense. Let me give you an example. If social distancing of six feet… Meaning you can’t get any closer to anybody than six feet. It better not be 5’11” or you’re guilty! You violated the command!

Six feet of social distancing. Then why does anybody have to wear a mask? If six feet of separation is all that’s needed to protect anybody, what the hell does anybody need a mask for — and if the masks work, then why do we have to separate by six feet? So what is this six-feet business, and who’s in charge of this, and what’s the practical result of it?

The practical result is businesses are not being allowed to fully recover and populate their establishments — either restaurants, stores, or what have you. You know, on the one hand we’re being told, “The mask is all you need. Oh, you gotta wear the mask! You gotta stay safe. You gotta be safe. You gotta be compassionate!” Well, if we’re all wearing masks — or if enough people are — what the hell does it matter if you’re two feet apart or six feet apart if the mask is the magic?

And if it’s the six feet, then why do you have to wear a mask — if you’re further than six feet or six feet away from somebody? I don’t know. You may be asking the same kind of questions, but these things forever befuddle me because I have a natural distrust. You know, I was talking yesterday about the things about this that have scared me, and one of them is how many sheep we have in the citizenry.

It’s always been something that’s bothered me, and I don’t know what to do about it (probably nothing), that so many people just believe whatever a government agency says about anything. It’s instinctive to believe it, never even question it, whatever the authorities say. And yet we know that these people are fallible, and many of them… Like the CDC.

The CDC has totally failed in its mission here. The CDC has been given federal grant money, budget money, donations out the wazoo since going back to 1987. They have gotten more than has been requested. They get donations. They’ve had enough money, and yet look at what they missed. It’s the same thing as, look, 9/11 was missed.

Have you ever stopped to think, 9/11 happens, and within 24 hours we knew everything about the hijackers, including where they holed up for the month prior? We knew where they were. We knew who they were. After that happened, we were able to piece together that day, in less than 24 hours. So somebody knew it all. Well, see, that’s the problem.

One person didn’t know it all, because we had some convoluted thing that we couldn’t share data from agency to agency. The CIA wasn’t allowed to know what the FBI knew ’cause the CIA can’t do domestic law enforcement. That was Jamie Gorelick and the Clinton administration, the wall that was put up to somehow, so-called “protect people.” I was amazed at this.

In less than 24 hours, we knew who did it, who those guys were, how they did it, where they went to flight school, who their foreign sponsors were. We knew everything! We were able to make a movie about it with every detail. I mean, it boggles my mind. Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, same thing.

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