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RUSH: Hey, Brian, did you watch The Match on Sunday, the golf…?

(interruption) Pardon me? (interruption) You didn’t watch the whole thing? You only watched a little bit of it? What did you think? What did you think? Any of it…? What surprised you the most? This is the golf tournament for COVID-19. It was Tiger Woods and Peyton Manning, Phil Mickelson and Tom Brady. What surprised you the most? (interruption)

Go ahead and tell me. Go ahead and say it. Don’t… (interruption) He’s saying he was surprised that Tom Brady was not having as good a day as you thought. He’s a 6.8 handicap. He’s a much better player than what he showed that day. My gosh, they’re playing in the rain, for crying out loud. They’re playing out there in a monsoon. He hasn’t played in a long time.

He played 18 holes in the morning because his game has been so bad. He played 18 holes that morning trying to get his game back, but, man, we have all been there. All of us who play golf have been there on the kind of day Tom Brady had. Some of us have even been there when it’s been televised. I had one of the worst rounds of golf in my life in the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic, the second or third year I played.

I was with Fuzzy Zoeller. I had the shanks all day — it was just horrible — and the media loved it. The media loved showing every shot going awry. They used the tracer on me when they very rarely use the tracer on amateurs in those tournaments, and Brady had one of those kinds of days.

He stuck with it and his temperament didn’t waver. It was… You know, golf will tell you everything you need to know about somebody in pretty much every which way you want to know them, but it was a fun event to watch. I was surprised they went ahead and played it in the rain, but I guess they had no choice because of all the commitments that had been made.

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