Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Loopy’s Cabinet

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 8,2020

RUSH: According to New York Times’ star columnist Thomas “Loopy” Friedman, “What America Needs Next — Is a Joe Biden National Unity Cabinet.”

Oh, jeez.

Yeah, Mr. Friedman fantasizes that at the Democrat convention this summer or whenever they do it, Plugs ought to name his entire cabinet. He says it should be different than any presidential cabinet ever assembled.

Friedman says that in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, the Plugs Biden unity (laughing) cabinet should be comprised (laughing) of the best that America has to offer (laughing) — can I finish this? — from extreme left-wing Bernie Sanders Democrats to extreme RINO-wing Mitt Romney Republicans. People who believe in science. People who are willing to take extraordinary measures to help the poor. People who… We’re not doing that? People who will make Obamacare viable again and who will digitally track those with the virus.

So here we are, with the world’s greatest economy shut down, and this is what Loopy Friedman says Americans need?

Well, remember. This is the same guy who fantasizes about America becoming a one-party autocracy like China, so his favorite communist policies can be imposed on everybody like that. (snaps fingers) Like high gas prices.

Mr. Friedman. Loopy. We sure as hell don’t need a “unity” cabinet or Plugs Biden running anything anywhere near the White House. What America needs is to get rid of people like you and to get back to work, and to get our economy running full speed again — and to never, ever allow something like this to happen again. You guys can’t fix it! You’ve proven that for 150 years.

Gee, I can’t believe I had to read this thing!

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