Guest Host Todd Herman

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 18,2020

Guest Host Todd Herman

Mar 18, 2020

Topics Discussed on Today’s Guest-Hosted Excursion into Broadcast Excellence
Todd Herman filled in for Rush. Check out Todd’s Stack of Stuff — and remember, Rush 24/7 Members can enjoy all three hours of this or any broadcast via audio streaming or as a podcast.
  • NRO: Biden Wins Florida in a Blowout
  • AP: Coronavirus rocks already strained ties between U.S. and China
  • AP: Iran’s Nowruz New Year, typically joyous, haunted by virus
  • AP: World virus infections hit 200,000; Borders jammed in Europe
  • Reuters: Russia deploying coronavirus disinformation to sow panic in West
  • AP: Biden notches 3 more victories; Sanders reassessing campaign
  • The Hill: Trump predicts Sanders will ‘soon’ drop out of Democratic primary contest
  • AP: Analysis: American attitudes make virus response a hard sell
  • The Hill: CNN’s Tapper to people defying social distancing: ‘Who the hell are you?’
  • Reuters: Stunned world grapples with ‘once-in-100-year’ coronavirus battle
  • Reuters: U.S. crude hits 18-year low as lockdowns, restrictions spread
  • U.S. to restrict border with Canada amid coronavirus
  • Reuters: Coronavirus can persist in air for hours and on surfaces for days
  • The Hill: Trump called it the ‘Wuhan coronavirus’ for a legal — and commonsensical — reason
  • AP: Iditarod loses another major sponsor
  • NY Times: Layoffs Are Just Starting, and the Forecasts Are Bleak
  • Washington Post: White House coronavirus plan aims to send $2,000 to many Americans, includes $300 billion for small businesses
  • NY Times: Coronavirus Is Closing Social Security Offices. Here’s How to Get Benefit Help.
  • Fox News: Ilhan Omar slammed for response to Ivanka Trump’s ‘family together’
  • Fox News: AOC’s pick in Democrat primary for House seat beats incumbent
  • NY Times: Kim Foxx, Criticized Over the Jussie Smollett Case, Wins Primary in Chicago
  • Vice: Young Biden Supporters Are Here, They’re Moderates, Get Used to It
  • WFB: Sanders Camp Blames Biden for Encouraging Voters to Cast Ballots Amid Coronavirus Fears