Disloyal Staffers Took Bloomberg to the Cleaners

by Rush Limbaugh - Mar 9,2020

RUSH: How about this story? This… I love this next story. From the Daily Caller: “Staffers for former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s failed presidential campaign say they went rogue and canvassed for [Crazy Bernie] after the Nevada debate debacle…”

The story comes to us courtesy of The Nation, which is a far left-wing — radical leftist, practically communist — publication. They’ve got “anonymous sources” saying, “People who worked with the team,” with Bloomberg’s team, “knew the campaign was over” once Fauxcahontas “blasted Bloomberg” for all those NDAs he’s got with women. A quote from somebody at the magazine:

“‘Most people knew this was a grift’ … The staffers spoke anonymously out of concern for professional reprisal and due to a non-disclosure agreement. Klippenstein [of The Nation] obtained a leaked copy of the NDA in February — a representative with the campaign confirmed the copy was indeed from the campaign. Several staffers…” Are you ready for this? “Several staffers said they actively tried to undermine Bloomberg’s campaign, even canvassed for” Crazy Bernie.

Do you know what else happened? I’ll guarantee you something else happened. What did Bloomberg spend? Five… (interruption) Okay, $500 million. Okay, you know the way this works. Whoever placed the advertising gets a 15% commission. That’s how political consultants in one way — one of many ways — earn big bucks. This is one of the reasons why there’s so much money in politics. The consults run the show! Like, the consultant that got Jeb Bush three delegates for $100 million.

You remember that? It was in the 2016 primary. I’m not even gonna mention the guy’s name, but he’s a guru. He’ll be hired by the next Republican running for something. Jeb spent 100 million bucks. However much of that was expended on advertising, this consultant gets the 15% agency the commission. So these guys working for Bloomberg, I will guarantee you that the vast majority of them were just spending his money to get that 15% commission. He didn’t have any loyalty.

He hadn’t been at it long enough. He thought he was buying loyalty, but you really can’t. He hadn’t been at this long enough. His organization hadn’t been up and running long enough. He didn’t have enough people he knew intimately well enough to be doing this. So there were people literally spending his money in nontargeted ways, unproductive ways, that were essentially ripping off his campaign.

Some of those people, as The Nation story now says, were working for Bernie Sanders. Some of the people spending Bloomberg’s money and some of the people supposedly doing get-out-the-vote efforts and all were supposedly working for Sanders, and some of the people who were on Bloomberg’s team after the first debate when Fauxcahontas tore into him over the NDAs — some of the Bloomberg people — supposedly were so mad and so outraged at Bloomberg that they began to sabotage his campaign.

They didn’t quit, they didn’t resign, they didn’t go to Bloomberg and say, “How dare you, you didn’t tell us this,” and resign. They stayed on board and they happily spent his money, got the 15% agency commission — by the way, that’s SOP. That’s standard operating procedure. I mean, it’s factored in when you sell advertising, the 15% agency commission’s factored in. They just get it. That’s the price.

And you don’t even need ’em. But it’s the way the world works, and it’s the way certain people get paid. Fifteen percent of $500 million. Ten percent of $500 million is $50 million, folks, for buying advertising. So you’re a looking at roughly $75 million somebody made for just placing Bloomberg’s advertising. Now, it’s more than one person, obviously. Or maybe not. Maybe it was just one campaign manager doing it all.

But the stories are now coming out that these people were doing it just to do it, just to spend his money. He had written them a blank check, and he made the mistake of assuming everybody was on his side. And this is why I looked at Bloomberg — and I’m probably gonna, at some point, get in big trouble over this. I haven’t yet. But I’ve never been dazzled with all the so-called brilliance and intelligence that we’re supposed to think these people have.

Like Tom Steyer. Tom Steyer, he may have whatever, $30 billion, the guy is an idiot, folks. Just in a common-sense measurement, the guy’s an idiot. He had no personality, he had no way of bonding or relating with people. It was impossible for him to create such a bond. No charisma whatsoever. All it means is you don’t need any of that stuff to earn a lot of money.

One of the things I always think about when I hear like Bloomberg, $60 million, or somebody else, $35 million, in the case of a hedge funder, for example, somebody that runs a hedge fund and has $30 billion dollars, are the people who gave him the money to invest, how are they doing? How does somebody with $30 billion as a result of investing other people’s money, how are they doing? I’ve often wondered that. I don’t have any money in a hedge fund. I, of course, have had hedge funds pitched to me, but it’s because of this question.

You tell me that some guy out there’s worth $40 billion and I’m supposed to — what’s gonna happen to the chump change I give him? How does that happen? “Well, you know, hedge funds are -” I’ve never even had one properly explained to me in a way that I could understand it. “Well, Rush, it’s a hedge.” Yeah, I know it’s a hedge, but I look at all the rules and regulations, it doesn’t make any sense. It looks like I’m just giving somebody money here that for the most part is gonna end up as theirs.

“Well, that’s pretty much it. You’re hedging your bets. You’re hedging your bets. You’re taking a risk here. You’re hedging the bets. Your money elsewhere is gonna be lost.” Oh, is that what it is?

Anyway, you got Steyer, you got Bloomberg and some of these others

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