RUSH: Now, to give you another example of how the Democrat Party is losing it and is imploding, a two-minute sound bite today. This morning on the Fox News Channel, America’s Newsroom, Donna Brazile appeared (she’s the Democrat National Committee’s former chairwoman, whatever; she’s still head honcho, still thinks she runs the Democrat Party in many ways) with Ronna McDaniel of the Republican National Committee, and here it goes.
Listen carefully…
MCDANIEL: It’s leading towards, potentially, a brokered convention, which will be rigged against Bernie if those superdelegates have their way on that second vote.
SMITH: To that you say what, Donna?
BRAZILE: First of all, I — I want to talk to my Republicans. First of all, stay the hell out of our race. Stay the hell out of our race! I get sick and tired, Ed and Sandra, of listening to Republicans tell me and the Democrats about our process. First of all, they don’t have a process. They are canceling primaries. They have winner-take-all. They don’t have the kind of the democracy that we see on the Democratic side, and for people to use Russian talkin’ points —
RUSH: (bursts out laughing)
BRAZILE: — to sow divisions among Americans, that is stupid.
RUSH: (clapping)
BRAZILE: So, Ronna, go to hell! This is not about —
HENRY: Oh, whoa.
BRAZILE: No, go to hell!
RUSH: Oh, ho!
BRAZILE: I’m tired of it, Ed. We’re not tryin’ to prevent anyone from becomin’ the nominee.
RUSH: Yes, you are.
BRAZILE: If you have the delegates and win, you will win. This notion that somehow or another Democrats are out there trying to put hurdles or roadblocks before one candidate? That’s stupid. I know what’s goin’ on. They are scared of Democrats comin’ together to defeat Donald Trump. They need to be focusin’ on what we’re focusin’ on in the Democratic Party, and that is preventin’ foreign interference in our election. Stop using Russian talkin’ points, Madam Chairwoman. Period!
HENRY: All right.
SMITH: Well —
BRAZILE: Stop usin’ it! It pisses me off!
SMITH: Donna, with all due respect —
BRAZILE: It makes —
SMITH: — we had her on to talk about —
SMITH: — what she sees happening here —
BRAZILE: Put me on with her!
SMITH: — in the same way that we ask you to.
BRAZILE: But she’s not a… (sputtering) No, but Sandra, she’s not a Democrat. I’m a Democrat, but I’m also an American, and I have a responsibility to make sure that the process… I know the process. Ronna knows the process. But to infer (sic) that we’re trying to prevent one candidate over another? That’s not happenin’ —
RUSH: It —
BRAZILE: — and if there’s any proof, Madam Chairwoman — any proof, Mr. President — that we’re tryin’ to somehow or another change this process for one candidate to get an advantage —
SMITH: Well, let’s just take this back to the basic —
BRAZILE: — show the proof!
SMITH: Let’s take this back to the basic —
BRAZILE: Show the proof!
RUSH: Okay. So the point here is that Donna Brazile’s losing it. She told Ronna McDaniel go to hell on Fox News. (impression) “Go to hell, Ronna! Go to hell! First of all, I want to talk to my Republicans. Stay the hell out of our race! Go to hell.” Oh, man. Because, you see, Donna Brazile’s a Hillary acolyte, and they did rig things against Crazy Bernie in 2016. Everybody knows it, and they used the superdelegates to do it — and they’re trying it again this year, and that’s what Ronna McDaniel is pointing out.
By the way, it’s not just Ronna McDaniel that’s talk about a possible brokered convention in Milwaukee at the Democrat convention. The Democrats are talking about it! Democrat strategists, analysts — I mean, they pick these people off the street and put ’em on TV as strategists and analysts — and they’re predicting a brokered convention in Milwaukee. Ronna McDaniel, she’s just repeating what she’s hearing Democrats say. You know… You know the bottom falls out when Donna Brazile’s accuses Ronna McDaniel using Russian talking points.
Russian talking points. Now, this is why a bunch of us wonder… You know, we want to tune into Fox. Why do we have to sit there and listen to Donna Brazile? This is exactly why. We know that she is a devious, deceitful political operative. She’s not an analyst or strategist in that sense. You know, her reaction that you just heard here is classic of liberal Democrats. You can’t criticize ’em. You criticize ’em, and all hell’s gonna break loose.
You’re either gonna be called a racist, accused of being a racist, or you’re gonna be told to go to hell or some such thing as that. You know, “How dare! How dare a Republican criticize us. How dare!” Yet what do you people do all day? You’re lying about Donald Trump colluding with Russia. You’re lying about Donald Trump spreading a disease and calling it a hoax. You get to run around. You get to mischaracterize and lie about Republicans and conservatives all day long, and you do it throughout your entire media.
Here’s one little example where the Republican National Committee chairwoman runs back and says, “Well, you know, Democrats are trying to rig the game against Crazy Bernie and may have a brokered convention,” and look what happens. She loses it! (interruption) No, I haven’t. I haven’t said a word about racism here. I haven’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if later on — if this doesn’t simmer down — if Donna Brazile brings race into it. No, no, I haven’t been the one to do that.
RUSH: I think Ronna McDaniel got a little too close to the truth there. I mean, look at it this way. If you’re not trying to rig the game against Crazy Bernie and if you’re not gonna have a brokered convention and if whoever gets the most delegates actually is gonna win the nomination and a Republican comes along on TV and says it’s about the tenth or 12th time, it’s by no means the first time — why not laugh at it, make a joke about it, ’til Ronna McDaniel you’re crazy.
But Donna Brazile lost it. She lost it the way people who have been called out accurately lose it. Now, sometimes people can lose it like that if they’re really, really being lied about, like Trump is routinely lied about. But he doesn’t react even that way, the way Donna Brazile did. So I think the problem that Donna Brazile has is everybody knows what’s going on here. It is so obvious what’s going on. They’ve made it clear.
RUSH: Yeah, Donna Brazile doesn’t cheat. She was only, what, in 2016? Caught giving Hillary Clinton debate questions! She was caught giving Hillary Clinton questions prepared for a town hall meeting on CNN, whatever it was. Yeah, Donna Brazile. But she doesn’t cheat. “Oh, yeah! You Republicans, you need to shut up! You need to shut up about way we Democrats do things. You’re not allowed to talk about the way we Democrats do things. Screw you!”
RUSH: Debbie in Houston. I’m glad you waited. You’re next here on the EIB Network. Hi.
CALLER: Hi, Rush. Thank you for taking my call.
RUSH: You bet.
CALLER: I’ve been a listener since Obama was running for office. My husband turned me on to you, and I want to thank you for everything that you do. When you’re not on air, it’s very depressing because you do keep us all grounded. I wanted to talk about Donna Brazile and why in the world does Fox News have her on. If she was a known liar and cheater, who would want to listen to her? Why would they have someone like her on air?
RUSH: ‘Cause she runs the Democrat National Committee. She’s got a front door, back door to the Clintons. I mean, she’s an insider. Fox News thinks that they’re getting inside Democrat Party information when they have her.
CALLER: She’s… I can’t even watch. I have to turn it off. Whenever she’s on, I have to turn it off.
RUSH: Why?
CALLER: Because… I don’t know. I guess I get so disappointed that people can’t — that the liberals can’t — see what their party is doing to this country.
RUSH: Well, that’s been a lament. Yeah, yeah.
CALLER: Yes, right!
RUSH: “Why can’t they see?”
CALLER: I don’t understand it. It just really disappoints me, and I’m so happy with the direction that Trump is taking our country. I just love him. My bucket list is to meet you and Mr. President at the same time. That is my bucket list. So —
RUSH: You want to meet me and the president at the same time, and you are in Houston.
CALLER: Yes, right outside of Houston, and I listen to your show every day.
RUSH: Huh. Well, maybe.
CALLER: (laughing)
RUSH: I’m just thinking, maybe for a Trump rally in Houston, I go down there and introduce him. I don’t know if he’s got one scheduled or not.
CALLER: I don’t know. But I would love to be there.
RUSH: I can relate. That’s awfully nice.
CALLER: That’s my bucket list is to meet you, and I want you to know my prayers are there for you. The day that you announced your illness, my mom and I were in the car together and we were just both in tears, and we know you’re gonna beat this. So we have to listen to you every day.
RUSH: Well, thank you very much.
CALLER: We’re (crosstalk) without you. (chuckles)
CALLER: Believe me, I believe those prayers work, I believe I do I do too. They recall do work. People need to believe in that. We appreciate everything you do, and listening to you really and truly does keep me grounded.
RUSH: Well, thank you very much. I appreciate the bottom of my heart.
CALLER: Well, thank you so much for taking my call and have a great rest of your day.
RUSH: God bless you too. Grab sound bite number 25. It happened two hours ago. It actually happened three hours ago, but we haven’t played the sound bite in a couple hours. In case you’re wondering, “Why did they woman call from Houston about Donna Brazile? What did Donna Brazile do?” I’m gonna play for you what Donna Brazile did. It happened earlier today on the Fox News Channel, and she’s on with Ronna McDaniel of the Republican National Committee. Ronna here is talking about how the Democrats are trying to sabotage Crazy Bernie, they might have a Democrat brokered convention, and Brazile loses it.
MCDANIEL: It’s leading towards, potentially, a brokered convention, which will be rigged against Bernie if those superdelegates have their way on that second vote.
SMITH: To that you say what, Donna?
BRAZILE: First of all, I — I want to talk to my Republicans. First of all, stay the hell out of our race. Stay the hell out of our race. I get sick and tired, Ed and Sandra, of listening to Republicans tell me and the Democrats about our process. First of all, they don’t have a process. They are canceling primaries. They have winner-take-all. They don’t have the kind of the democracy that we see on the Democratic side –
RUSH: What a crock.
BRAZILE: — and for people to use Russian talkin’ points —
RUSH: (bursts out laughing)
BRAZILE: — to sow divisions among Americans, that is stupid. So, Ronna, go to hell! This is not about —
HENRY: Oh, whoa.
BRAZILE: No, go to hell! I’m tired of it, Ed. We’re not tryin’ to prevent anyone from becomin’ the nominee.
RUSH: Yes, you are.
BRAZILE: If you have the delegates and win, you will win. This notion that somehow or another Democrats are out there trying to put hurdles or roadblocks before one candidate? That’s stupid. I know what’s goin’ on. They are scared of Democrats comin’ together to defeat Donald Trump. They need to be focusin’ on what we’re focusin’ on in the Democratic Party, and that is preventin’ foreign interference in our election. Stop using Russian talkin’ points, Madam Chairwoman. Period!
HENRY: All right.
SMITH: Well —
BRAZILE: Stop usin’ it! It’s pisses me off!
SMITH: Donna, with all due respect —
BRAZILE: It makes —
SMITH: — we had her on to talk about —
SMITH: — what she sees happening here —
BRAZILE: Put me on with her!
SMITH: — in the same way that we ask you to.
BRAZILE: But she’s not a… (sputtering) No, but Sandra: She’s not a Democrat. I’m a Democrat, but I’m also an American, and I have a responsibility to make sure that the process… I know the process. Ronna knows the process. But to infer (sic) that we’re trying to prevent one candidate over another? That’s not happenin’ —
RUSH: Stop it! You did in 2016!
BRAZILE: — and if there’s any proof, Madam Chairwoman, any proof, Mr. President —
RUSH: You, working for Hillary Clinton, tried to screw it out of Bernie Sanders. You did it once in 2016. I got a story right here. I got a story, this is from the website. The headline: “DNC Superdelegates Are Getting Desperate to Stop Bernie Sanders.”
There is a vibrant conversation about whether there is anything that can be done. Ms. Brazile, stop yakking about Russian talking points. You people have the link to Russia. You are the ones that paid Russia to be involved in the 2016 campaign, Steele dossier, you, Hillary be know this. Your superdelegates are at this moment trying to figure out a way to avoid having to support Bernie Sanders. You can get mad at Ronna McDaniel all you want for calling out the truth on it, but it is exactly what happens and everybody knows it.