Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 11,2020

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Feb 11, 2020


New York Times: Why Bernie Sanders Praised Amazon – Jay Carney
The Verge: Amazon’s PR Chief Gets Combative on Twitter Over Media Criticism
National Review: The Democratic Establishment Is Awful at Picking Candidates
Daily Beast: They’re Voting in New Hampshire, but This Democrat Just Wants to Jump Off a Bridge – Michael Tomasky
Gallup: New High of 90% of Americans Satisfied With Personal Life
Daily Wire: Trump Flies Unannounced To Dover AFB After N.H. Rally To Pay Respects To Two Soldiers Killed In Afghanistan
FOXNews: Trump, Looking to ‘Shake Up the Dems a Little Bit,’ Hits ‘Mumbling’ Pelosi in Rally Ahead of Key NH Primary
Trending Politics: ABC Reporter Forced To Admit Truth: ‘Trump Supporters Are As Fired Up As I Have Ever Seen Them’
Daily Wire: Prosecutors Recommend Non-Violent Criminal Roger Stone Get Up To 9 Years In Prison
CNN: Justice Department to Backtrack on Request to Give Trump Ally Roger Stone Up to 9 Years in Prison
National Review: The Clock Is Ticking, Establishment Democrats! – Jim Geraghty
NBC: Buttigieg: Sanders Would Have Difficulty Defeating Trump Because of ‘Labels’ and His ‘Approach’
Breitbart: Electile Dysfunction: Joe Biden Pulls Out Early from New Hampshire
New York Post: Student Biden Called ‘Lying Dog-Faced Pony Soldier’ Says She Was Humiliated
Breitbart: Andrew Breitbart on Orson Bean: He Shaped ‘Everything I Do’
Breitbart: Tribute: Orson Bean Said ‘Mere Christianity’ Turned Him Around
HotAir: WaPo, Trying To Tank Sanders: Let’s Face It. None Of These Democrats Are “Centrists”
Spectator: The Age of Celebrity is Dead. The Internet Has Killed the Hollywood Star – Freddy Gray


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: