Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Shakers

by Rush Limbaugh - Dec 9,2019

RUSH: I have a perfect example of how modern journalism works.

Last Thursday, intrepid CBS White House correspondent Mark Knoller broke a story on Twitter. Twitter! That’s where journalists break news these days, not even on their own networks. Now, this guy Knoller tweeted that at White House meals, President Trump’s salt and pepper shakers are bigger than those of his guests at the table!

Business Insider reporter James Pasley immediately got in gear to investigate this important lead — and this guy fearlessly combed through photos of presidential table settings, and he uncovered the truth. Yes, President Trump has much larger salt and pepper shakers than the foreign leaders or American politicians who dine with him at the White House!

By analyzing 22 archived news photos, Pasley explored the significance of the president’s massive shakers.

Pasley postulated that President Trump could be using large salt and pepper shakers as a power move, like his fierce handshakes and the “bulky suits” that he wears. His big shakers may well be a form of intimidation!

Now, in his deep dive, Pasley discovered that Obama, Bush 43, and Bill Clinton all used the same sized shakers as their guests. Imagine the effort it took for this ace reporter to flesh out these details!

I think this guy deserves a Pulitzer. His investigative work should be taught in journalism schools everywhere. What do you think? Those shakers might have microphones in them and might be bugs. Even think of that?

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