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RUSH: You know what’s fascinating?  I’ve got this story about Obama here, and it’s that somebody had a conversation with Obama, and Obama let loose, and this guy has reported the details, one of the things Obama said to another Democrat candidate. “You know who really doesn’t have it,” said Obama?  “Joe Biden.”  This is Ryan Lizza reporting a 2020 Democrat candidate — a bunch of them — met Obama at his office in Washington earlier this year.

They were seeking his advice on how to win the White House, and Ryan Lizza reported that as Obama provided advice to the candidates who met with him, it gave him a chance to learn about them so that he and his advisers can figure out who’s the most likely person to defeat Trump.  Here are some of the biggest takeaways from Obama per this meeting: “Sometimes he offers candid advice about his visitors’ strengths and weaknesses.

“With several lesser-known candidates, according to people who have talked to him … he was blunt about the challenges of breaking out of a large field. His advice is not always heeded. He told [Deval] Patrick earlier this year that it was likely ‘too late’ for him to secure ‘money and talent’ if he jumped in the race. Occasionally, he can be cutting.

“With one candidate, he pointed out that during his own 2008 campaign, he had an intimate bond with the electorate, especially in Iowa, that he no longer has.” Obama says he knows that bond is gone. “Then he added, ‘And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden,'” meaning a bond with voters. Obama said that to a group of Democrats seeking his advice earlier this year, some of them currently running.  People have been asking, “I wonder why Obama hasn’t endorsed Biden.”  There’s a whole host of reasons, but now we can add another one.  Obama thinks he’s a stiff.

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