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RUSH: This is Dave in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Welcome, sir. I’m glad you waited. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Thank you for taking my call. I listened to the hearings yesterday, and as an American citizen, I want to see Burisma and the Bidens investigated, and it seems like now that’s impossible. (cell drops)

RUSH: You know what? We lost the connection there. I did not hang up on the guy. I never hang up on people. But it’s interesting. He said he wants to see Biden and Burisma investigated. I mentioned earlier that Breitbart has a story today and (I checked this myself) they’re absolutely right. George Kent… He was the bow-tied guy yesterday with that gigantic blue bottle of water. Did you see that? Did you see how big this guy’s water bottle was?

At any rate, he actually made the case yesterday for investigating Burisma and the Bidens. He testified… Follow me on this. “George Kent testified that in 2014, the first thing…” This was under the Obama administration. “[T]he first thing the U.S. demanded from Ukraine in exchange for aid was an investigation of Burisma” in 2014. He said the investigation was “closed down due to bribery and corruption.” Remember, Kent here is an expert on corruption — anti-corruption and bribery, or whatever.

Now, why was this investigation closed down? In 2014, the U.S. demanded exactly what Trump did. The Obama administration demanded Ukraine investigate Burisma in exchange for aid. But it was closed down, maybe because Biden was hired by Burisma in late 2014! Maybe they closed it down because Burisma did what they had to do to close it down. They hired Biden and his kid. In 2015, George Kent pushed to reopen the investigation, but Obama ignored the request. So George Kent admitted that the State Department wanted to do exactly what they’re now saying Trump should be impeached for.

I’m not making this up.


RUSH: Now, want to go back to this George Kent business. I kind of hurried that to get it in before the break, but we learned this from Kent’s own testimony yesterday that in 2014 (Obama is president) George Kent was doing what his usual channels of State Department operations are in Ukraine. He testified, “In 2014, the first thing the U.S. demanded from Ukraine in exchange for aid was an investigating of Burisma.” So why are they trying to impeach Trump over this?

The Obama administration did the same thing. The problem here is that this investigation was begun, and then it was closed down. The demanded Ukraine’s investigation into Burisma be closed down, and you know the timing of it? They closed it down in late 2014 when Hunter Biden was hired. They were full-speed ahead into an investigation of bribery and corruption into Burisma — and the minute Hunter Biden ends up working for Burisma, they shut down the investigation.

The Obama administration “ignored” the request. In 2015, George Kent pushed to reopen the investigation, even with Hunter Biden working for Burisma. The Obama administration “ignored” his request. Again, that’s after Hunter Biden had been hired by Burisma. George Kent said that “he was concerned about the perception of a conflict of interest with Hunter Biden being on the Burisma board.” This was all stated yesterday. Have you heard anything about this? You have not.

This is what they’re trying to impeach Trump for! We demanded Ukraine in 2014 investigate corruption and bribery at Burisma. They started. Then we told them to shut it down after Hunter Biden was hired, and George Kent didn’t like that. The headline for the story: “U.S. Officials Pushed for Ukraine to Reopen Probe into Hunter Biden-Linked Burisma” in 2015. He testified to this yesterday. It’s another reason why they’re not spending a lot of time on it. You can hardly find any sound bites today of George Kent.

It’s all William Edward R. Murrow Taylor. Now, here’s another little tidbit from TheHill.com. Headline: “Top Ukrainian Official: Sondland Did Not Link Aid to Investigation of Bidens — Ukraine’s foreign minister told reporters today,” this was this morning, “that U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland did not link investigations into Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son with military assistance.

“‘Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and did not tell me exactly, about the relation between the (military) assistance and the investigations,’ Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko told reporters, according to Interfax-Ukraine. ‘I have never seen a direct link between investigations and security assistance…'” It’s military aid. This diplospeak. “[S]ecurity assistance through the channels” is properly approved military aid. These people speak their own lingo: “The interagency group,” “going through the right channels” for “security assistance.”

It’s military aid, guns and ammo. But it’s so couth to talk about guns and ammo. Ew! Dirty, filthy agents of murder! No. We’re talking security assistance. He says, “Yes, investigations were mentioned, you know, in a presidential conversation. But there was no clear connection between these events.” Look, folks, I think we’re pretty much done here on the substance. On the substance you’ve got Ukraine saying there wasn’t any bribery, there wasn’t any quid pro quo, none of this happened. He said it this morning after the hearings yesterday.

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