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RUSH: Last month, the governor of California, Gavin Newsom signed a law that will ban privately-run immigration detention centers. Existing private centers have to get out of the state by 2028.

Now, the Democrats who wrote the legislation were very specific. The law goes into effect January 1, 2020, seven weeks from now. No new contracts for private immigration centers can be created after that date.

A few days after the law was signed, ICE solicited offers from companies to build four new private immigrant detention centers in California. Those bidding on the centers must get their proposals in immediately, obviously, to accommodate the new legal deadline of January 1st.

California Democrats, immigration activists, and other leftists are furious. California senator Kamala Harris took time out of her dismal, fledgling presidential campaign to denounce ICE for violating the “spirit” of the new law. She slammed them for using tax money to lock up “even more human beings.” She failed to mention that these human beings are in our country illegally. The ACLU is filing suit to stop the contracts from being completed.

Now, the ink isn’t even dry on the new law that was passed by Democrats, but already these same Democrats pretend the law allowing this for the next seven weeks doesn’t mean what it says. We all know they don’t respect federal immigration laws. Now we see they don’t even respect their own laws! Lawlessness. When it comes to immigration, that’s who the Democrats are.

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