Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Football Lesson

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 6,2019

RUSH: Last week, a couple of undefeated high school football teams in Long Island, New York met for the big game.

With a fourth quarter touchdown, the Plainedge Red Devils cemented their victory over the South Side Cyclones. Final score: 61-13. The Red Devils experienced the thrill of victory. The Cyclones tasted the agony of humiliating defeat.

That’s not the end of the story. Nassau County, NY doesn’t approve of lopsided victories in high school football games. They have a policy to prevent that. If a team ever wins by over 42 points, the winning coach is hauled before a committee to justify why players were allowed to run up the score.

Well, the Red Devils won by 48 points. So the coach, Robert Shaver, was forced to explain his victory to the committee. The committee was not impressed by his explanation. They suspended him from the final game of the season. They said he should have pulled his starters in the fourth quarter, since the team was already ahead by a lot.

I hope the Red Devils learned a lesson. If you want to play football in today’s liberal America, you can take a knee, you can disrespect the national anthem, you’ll become a hero. But you’d better not win by too much. The committee will not tolerate humiliating the losers like that.

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