Get Your New Stand Up for Betsy Ross Items!

by Rush Limbaugh - Nov 5,2019

RUSH: Here we go again. Last week, we made a major announcement. We have restocked and added a plethora of brand-new items to the Rush Limbaugh Store at the website — RushLimbaugh.com, the EIB Store — including new Stand Up for Betsy Ross items. We have donated $4 million and counting to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation because of your participation in this. It started with a simple white T-shirt, Stand Up for Betsy Ross, to push back against this notion that the flag somehow has become political, that Betsy Ross has become political, that the flag represents racism and police abuse.

It’s silly, it’s absurd, and it’s damaging.

Nike came up with a new brand of tennis shoes last Fourth of July that had the Betsy Ross flag on the back of the heel. Colin Kaepernick said he didn’t like them; Nike shouldn’t sell them. So Nike pulled them, and people were fed up. “They don’t like the flag?” These people are corrupting everything by politicizing everything with their politics, and the last straw is the flag. Betsy Ross is not political. The flag isn’t political — and it certainly isn’t a symbol of racism or bigotry or any of the other sickness that the left runs around believing.

So people signed up and purchased the T-shirts in droves, well over 300,000. We added in different colors and different styles, and we have really stocked up for the fall. We’ve got hoodies. In case you want to hold up a convenience store, we’ve got a hoodie you can wear when you do it. (laughing) I’m just kidding, folks. I’m having a little fun here. We have a white hoodie. We have some fleeces, sweatshirts, long sleeve, short sleeve.

We’ve got an entire department now for women, women’s apparel, with the Stand Up for Betsy Ross flag, and the proceeds from the sale of all Stand Up for Betsy Ross merchandise continue to go to Tunnel to Towers Foundation. So today I have been made aware that once again, if you go do a Google search for these, you’re gonna be directed to a bunch of knockoffs. We have shut down over 350 counterfeiters during the course of this program starting.

July 8th is when we actually went live with the first round of merchandise, the T-shirt, and we immediately became aware of frauds and knockoffs and counterfeits. Now I’m looking at a Google search term. If you put in “Stand Up for Betsy Ross” or “Rush Limbaugh Show,” whatever, you’re being steered here to a bunch of knockoffs. I’ve got five of them looking at me right in the face, five knockoff websites, and they’re using shirts and apparel that look exactly like the new stuff we’ve offered.

So I have to tell you again: We have not licensed this for sale outside the Rush Limbaugh Store. The only place to get the real thing with the absolute top quality for the price point, the unique fabrics, the great design — and, most importantly, the financial tie-in to Tunnel to Towers — is our store. I mean, some of these places were charging people’s credit cards $1,500 per purchase. We’re not price gouging. We’re not seeking profit with this. The Stand Up for Betsy Ross items are not a profit pursuit for us. They’re purely charitable, and if you end up being steered to a knockoff or counterfeiter site, nothing is gonna end up going to the charity.

It’s all gonna end up in the hands of the counterfeiters. Now, we try to shut ’em down as quickly as we can. Some of them go away. Some of them fight us. But we’re constantly trying to shut them down. It kind of ticks me off because they just keep popping up. The reason they pop up is because these things are so profoundly popular and the design is so profoundly unique. These things have become iconic, and everybody wants to get in on the act without having done any of the work whatsoever.

You know, just to give you an idea, folks, this whole project has resulted in the creation of 100 jobs. Now, that may not sound like a lot in the big scheme of things, but for an operation that was able to fulfill orders with a staff of 20 people, we’ve had to create a hundred new jobs from the design to the manufacture to the printing to the sourcing. We have a great vendor in western Pennsylvania who actually prints the items, puts the logos and the designs on the fabric, the shirts.

We find the shirts, the fabric, the items, and we send them all in bulk to the vendor. UPS trucks show up fully loaded with our stuff by the day at our warehouse — a super-secret, unmarked location somewhere in this vicinity. So I see these knockoffs, and it’s a combination of emotions led by frustration and anger — and then a smile, because it’s only happening for one reason. They are overwhelmingly popular.

So I just want to encourage you again: Don’t Google search this stuff. There’s only one place to get the real stuff, and that is at RushLimbaugh.com — either via our app on your iPhone or your Android device or web browser. It’s www.RushLimbaugh.com and then find the “Store” tab and go there, and you will be dazzled at some of the new items that we have for men, women, different colors and so forth. Really proud of it. There’s all kinds of new items there too that are not tied to Betsy Ross. We’ve got all kinds of different logoed items, caps, any number of things. Gift items.

We’ve even got some autographed stuff from me. We got a gift package that includes a couple things that I have autographed that are either good gifts for yourself or to give away to other people. So give it a look. When you have time, go to RushLimbaugh.com and find the “Store” tab. But please keep in mind… I know what happens. You know, people hear about it by word-of-mouth, and so they go to Google to search to find out (chuckles), “Okay. I don’t remember everything Rush said. I’ll just search it.” They go there and they get directed to these knockoffs, and that’s how it happens.

I understand how it happens.

So, if you’re participating in the word-of-mouth, just make sure you tell everybody out there that you’ve got to go to RushLimbaugh.com, if you want to participate in the charitable aspect of this and if you want the legit item. You don’t want to get price gouged. Believe me, you’re gonna get the finest quality item and fabric at the price point you will be able to find. There’s no gouging like these knockoffs and counterfeiters are doing. They are pure, 100% scam artists.

So, it’s RushLimbaugh.com on the Web or find the “Store” tab there on our app on your iPhone.

Stand Up for Betsy Ross.

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