Matt Lauer Accused of Doing What Bill Clinton Did

by Rush Limbaugh - Oct 9,2019

RUSH: Have you seen the headline on Drudge today or maybe somewhere else, “Matt Lauer Accused of Rape”? I have an alternative headline: “Matt Lauer Accused of Doing What Bill Clinton Did.” Don’t you think that headline would be better? We all know who Juanita Broaddrick is. Why wouldn’t that headline work? “Matt Lauer Accused of Doing What Bill Clinton Did.”

I mean, if RAPE is a screaming, all-caps, blaring-red headline, let’s all remember Bill Clinton, who was credibly accused of it. I’m just tossing it out there.


RUSH: A Drudge headline: “Matt Lauer Accused of Rape.” It’s the latest Ronan Farrow book. You know, that Ronan Farrow kid, he’s Mia Farrow’s son, and he’s a pretty smart kid. NBC fired him rather than run his story. Well, they spiked his story on Weinstein and some of these other people, and that’s what caused him to go to New Yorker to reveal it. But it’s rumored that Ronan Farrow’s dad is Frank Sinatra.

Frank Sinatra was married to Mia Farrow for a while — like, even before she hit puberty. He had a good comeback when he was asked, “Is Frank Sinatra really your father?” He said, “We’re all Frank Sinatra’s sons.” It was a great line for a young kid to come up with. Remember he got the Cronkite award? (laughing) This is so funny. Poor kid. They put him on MSNBC as the next great whatever. He had never been on TV before. He had never been a journalist on TV.

They put him with a show on MSNBC. After three shows, he wins the Cronkite award for journalism excellence in something or other! (laughing) He had to be profoundly embarrassed. They’re giving him an award after three nights. But this is what they do to establish credibility for their flock. Anyway, the alternative headline should be: “Matt Lauer Accused of Doing What Bill Clinton Did.” Can you imagine if Drudge ran that headline? Can you imagine the hell that would break out?

Now, the next story, “Savannah Guthrie Says NBC Is ‘Disturbed to Our Core’ Over Matt Lauer Rape Allegations,” and so is Hoda Kotb. For those of you in Rio Linda, it’s Hoda Kotb. But it’s pronounced Kotb, and they have spoken out now. Savannah Guthrie and Yoda — Hoda — Kotb spoke out on the Lauer allegations. Now, I realize it’s gonna be hard for NBC to stand up for certain abused women. I mean (sigh), they’re in a tight spot here.

I mean, they hired Chelsea Clinton. They paid her a small fortune to do next to nothing. They hired Ronan Farrow, gave him a journalism award after three nights. They probably were thinking that Hillary would follow Obama as president. You want to talk about delusional? Hillary Clinton, “Yeah, I can beat him again.” What, does she think that she’s the legitimate winner? They do! They really think it. They’ve bought their own delusion.

Anyway, “Savannah Guthrie said NBC staffers are ‘disturbed to our core’ over allegations that Matt Lauer raped a female colleague. Guthrie and co-anchor Hoda Kotb took a moment on Wednesday’s broadcast to solemnly address Lauer’s alleged behavior that led to his ouster in 2017.’I feel like we owe it to our viewers to pause for a moment,’ Guthrie said…” Why do you “owe it to … viewers to pause for a moment”? So they can take a moment to visualize Matt Lauer doing this?

What’s the point of pausing for a moment? “This is shocking and appalling,” said Savannah Guthrie. “I know it wasn’t easy for our colleague, Brooke, to come forward then, and it’s not easy now. And we support her and any women who come forward with claims. It’s just very painful for all of us at NBC and who are at the Today show.”

This is former NBC staffette Brooke Nevils coming forward publicly, Ronan Farrow’s new book Catch and Kill claiming Lauer raped her in a Sochi hotel — Russia — during the network’s Olympics coverage in 2014. Lauer was fired in 2017. Now, there’s more in the book here. The Ronan Farrow book claims that NBC News covered up the Matt Lauer rape allegation.

Now, you know, folks, this whole sordid tale provides an eye-opening gaze into so-called modern feminism. What has modern feminism taught women or attempted to teach women? And I’m tracing modern feminism back to 1969, 1970. I was 18 years old in 1969, and that’s where I was first confronted by it. I was doing radio from my little hometown station. We had a remote Saturday morning broadcast at Sears. It was a money making thing for the owner. We had this little portable thing that played records and people would come by to watch.

And they said, “You know what? Let’s kill a community requirement. Why don’t you interview some people.” I said, “Okay.” So I asked a classmate at Central High School, a woman, to come by. I don’t even remember what the subject was, but this woman went on a feminist rant. It was the first I’d ever heard of any of this.

But I was smart even back then. My red flags went up and I said, there’s something going on here that I haven’t heard about that these women are looking at and reading. Lo and behold, I was exactly right on the money. (interruption) No. I don’t remember her name, and even if I did, I wouldn’t mention it. It’s not the point.

She was 18, 17 years old at the time, and I’m just telling you, this is when I first became aware of it. And then from that, I’m 18, I get to Pittsburgh when I’m 20, and for the next 10 years, this modern-day feminism just totally screwed up what had become the traditional, normal male/female relationship dance, so to speak. And it took a lot of learning. I mean, you open the door for a woman and you get yelled at. “I can do it myself! Thank you.”

“My, you look nice today.”

“Don’t tell me that. What about my brain?” You know, that kind of stuff. It was real. You know, you compliment a woman on her appearance, it was an insult. You were objectifying her. You’re 21. You don’t know anything about – you’re just trying to get along and you find out that you’re some reprobate enemy just because of your gender.

Anyway, what modern-day feminism did was tell women they were so free to do whatever they wanted to do. You can have it all. And that caused a bunch of women to think having it all was to copy the lifestyle of men. Become CEOs of corporations, become members of private clubs, all this stuff. Rather than pursuing actual interests, it became a copycat, and it became a movement where success was defined by how many male institutions you infiltrated and took down.

And part and parcel of this was that women could do whatever without any more judgment. There wasn’t gonna be any stigma to any lifestyle choice you made. You could get pregnant without getting married. In fact, it pushed the idea that a relationship should not be a factor in your life’s happiness or satisfaction.

Whatever you do, don’t get married. You’re just signing on for prison if you do that. Don’t do it. Go out and have all the sex you want, have all the hookups you want, do whatever you want with no consequences. That was the real lesson of feminism. No consequence. Sex with no consequence. We got abortion over here to fix it in case something goes wrong.

So a lot of young women bought into it hook, line, and sinker, thought it was the greatest thing, and they went out and they engaged in all this newfound claimed freedom with no consequences. And then biology takes over. They go out and they get pregnant while they’re working, have to make a decision.

So they get maternity leave or, you know, Romper Room at the office. And then they decide, some of them, they don’t want to go back to work and the other feminists get mad at that. You’re betraying the sisters! You shouldn’t stay home with the baby. Get a nanny, a babysitter, make your husband do it, you go back to work. Massive confusion sets in. Anger, resentment.

Women were told to go party like the guys. It’s cool to go to a guy’s hotel. You’ve got the power, girlfriend, you run the things now, go do what you want to do. And then after the guy misunderstands all this newfound freedom that you are exhibiting, you feel violated, after having sex with the guy. I’m telling you, it does more to screw things up than anybody will ever admit. I mean, you could claim that your career would be hurt if you don’t have sex with Weinstein. Gotta do it. It’s what you gotta do to get the job. I’ll deal with the consequences later.

Well, later was when Ronan Farrow’s first book came out about Weinstein and the jig was up. But there were so many contrary, conflicting messages. Be strong, be free. Then on the other hand, be weak, be helpless, be a victim. And feminism today is really fostering victimology. Feminism today failed in its original charge to make women the same as men because they’re not the same.

And since feminists are still mad that men run the world, women have what? They have descended now to exactly what they were prior to 1969 or ’70. They’re now victims. I’m talking about young women. Weak, helpless, despite having been told all this power. But sex without consequences was the biggest lie that liberal activists pushed on young people, men and women. “Be free, be yourself, do what you want to do. We’ve got remedies. There aren’t any consequences.”

And then what are the men supposed to do when they find themselves in the middle of all this newfound freedom and exploration? So if you’re somebody like Matt Lauer — and I’m not defending Matt Lauer. If you’re Matt Lauer and you think that you are God’s gift to everything because you’re on the Today Show, if you’re Matt Lauer and there’s a feature called, “Where in the world is Matt Lauer?”


RUSH: Cindy, Marietta, Georgia, you’re next. Welcome to the program. Hi.

CALLER: Thank you, Rush. First of all, I want to thank you for all you do and tell you how much I enjoy you. You are funny and just a joy to listen to.

RUSH: Thank you very much. I appreciate that, Cindy.

CALLER: I really do. The comment I have is on your comments, actually, on the feminist movement.

RUSH: Oh, yeah.


RUSH: I love the feminist movement. Don’t anybody misunderstand. I love it, especially when walking behind it.

CALLER: (laughing) Right. I wanted just to make a comment on that and even though I agree that the results in some ways was terrible for our country, I don’t think we should forget the good that came out of it as a result too. To me, it was like the civil rights movement. And I guess I’m an example of how that movement greatly benefited me, and I think, you know, many like me.

But I was hired in 1970 by AT&T, and at the time they had a management development program, and I was told that even though I had the qualifications, I would not be on the program because I was a woman, and they felt that women would get married and their husbands would get transferred or they’d get pregnant and they would leave, and they just didn’t want to make that kind of investment.

RUSH: Hm-hm.

CALLER: So as it turned out two years later, I automatically became part of a class-action suit which resulted, after going through an assessment process, my being put on the program. And I actually became the breadwinner of our family —

RUSH: Did you like that? Did you like being the breadwinner?

CALLER: Well, you know, at the time, there was that debate between staying home and working. Now, let me be clear. I was doing much better than my husband. He had some issues, alcoholic issues, so forth, that hindered him, I guess, from that kind of progress with —

RUSH: Okay. So you kind of had to step up, then, in a way, not that you didn’t want to, but you had to step up then?

CALLER: Well, yes, but at the time when I got on the program and started advancing through the program, it became evident, this was before his drinking was at its maturity, but it became evident that my career was much more successful than his and —

RUSH: So how do you credit the feminist movement for this? I want to get you back — you said we can’t overlook the good things. What are the good things? Ten percent of it was good.

CALLER: Yeah. Okay. To me — let’s look at it maybe the word “feminist” is not the right word, but at that time when the civil rights movement was very active there was also a movement through feminism of women being able to get ahead in the workforce. Now, remember at the time, AT&T, as big as it was, there was no woman above a second level manager in the entire nation. And so you didn’t really have an opportunity to advance because of the corporate environment that was —

RUSH: So you’re saying that feminism kind of blew that up and gave you an upward mobile track.

CALLER: I think it did a lot to help women be viewed — forced, I guess, the companies were forced —

RUSH: Well, now, there’s no question about that. I mean, you used the word “forced.” There’s no question that those kinds of changes happened, and they were brutal. I mean, for those changes to happen, somebody had to get fired. And back in the early days of this, people were getting fired for their gender. And I remember I was in radio when this was happening.

It didn’t happen to me, but I know a bunch of guys that got canned because the stations are regulated by the federal government. You have your broadcast license, and you have to get it at the time, you had to get it reapproved, you had to win approval of your license every five years back then. You did that by community ascertainment, any number of other things.

And when the government goes big on civil rights, equal rights, so forth, radio station managers, they weren’t gonna take any chances. They were just gonna look at quota numbers. That’s all it was, a way to keep the government at bay, get some women in here, whether they were qualified or not. And it happened.

Now, at the beginning of any movement like this, those things are gonna happen, because they’re never correct out of the box. There was a lot of resentment because people were being fired not for cause, but just because they were the “incorrect” gender of the moment. But for the women who benefited from it such as you, it finally gave you a way in the door to begin your upward trek. Look, women were getting fired at the same time, too, for getting married, getting older.

You know, back in the days when stewardesses were stewardesses on airlines. Ah, those were the good old days. You get on the airplane and open Money magazine, and the stewardess was immediately interested in you. If you opened Playboy, the stewardess never came around. But if you opened Money or if you had the Wall Street Journal, the stewardess paid you extra attention. Now they’re flight attendants and so forth. So it worked both ways.

I’m not denying that some good came out of it, but I still think the culture has been roiled in ways that we haven’t recovered from at the most basic level. Resentment of people just because of their gender, just because… It was bad, and I really believe that part of it was purposeful to create an ongoing battle between men and women as a distraction for other things. But I’m glad it benefited you, Cindy. Thank you so much for your call.

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