Everything You’re Hearing About Impeachment Is a Lie

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 30,2019

RUSH: Okay. Look at me. Stop what you’re doing and look at me. Look at the radio. Pay attention. The one thing that will get you through this and the one thing that you have to understand, is practically everything in the media about impeachment is a lie. Everything is a lie. There isn’t any of it that is true, except if you switch things and have it apply to things the Democrats have done. Then most of it becomes true. None of this is true! It is the most amazing thing, and they continue to make it up as the days and the hours go by.

They make it up to fit whatever objection is raised. They make it up to fit whatever suspicion is raised about what they’re doing. There are no boundaries here, folks. They’re gonna get rid of Donald Trump by hook or crook no matter what, and it doesn’t matter how. It doesn’t matter the mechanism. It doesn’t matter the validity. They’re going to do it. They have intended to do it since election night of 2016. The lies are too numerous for me to list here rat-tat-tat-tat, although I’m gonna give you one of the biggest. One of the lies that pretty much gives away everything else is Adam Schiff.

I still can’t believe that… And I’m not trying to make this about me. I can’t believe that I’m the only one who saw this at the moment it happened and had a visceral reaction to it! Adam Schiff lied through his teeth as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee when he said that he was “doing a parody.” He was simply “characterizing” the president’s call. “He said, ‘I want you to dig up dirt on my opponent. Dig up as much as you can. Make it up! And don’t get back to me ’til you do.'” That didn’t happen!

So the real question: If the case for getting rid of Trump is so obvious, why are they having to lie about every aspect of it? The question answers itself. Trump has not committed an impeachable offense in any way, shape, manner, or form. Now you know what we’ve learned? We learned that the whistleblower statute was changed one month before they put this into gear, eliminating firsthand knowledge. The whistleblower doesn’t have to have firsthand knowledge. The whistleblower can engage in hearsay.

You think that’s coincidental? This thing has been planned as part of the Trump-Russia collusion plan. This is all being rolled out in phases, as every element fails in its objective to get rid of Trump. There were two other noteworthy things over the weekend. It’s hard to pick out one or two of these as noteworthy because I think all of this is noteworthy. I think all of this is just a crying shame. I think all of this is literally outrageous. I think all of this does represent that there is a coup going on, and I think that there is a Cold Civil War taking place.

The first thing that happened was John Brennan. Now, John Brennan’s hands are as dirty as Obama’s in this whole thing. John Brennan (you probably have forgotten) traveled to Ukraine back in the time period around 2016 under a fake passport so it wouldn’t be known that he had gone, and he was arranging data on the dossier and all of the other dirt that they were trying to amass. Ukraine — not Russia, Ukraine — is the center of the universe of all this. Now, over the weekend John Brennan, Obama’s director of CIA — a man who voted for the Communist Party candidate in 1976!

John Brennan is among the radical leftists who personally, viscerally despise Donald Trump. He signaled everybody in the deep state to attack the president. Here’s the tweet: “A reminder to federal officials: There is no limit on the number of individuals who can use the whistleblower statute. If you think you were involved in unlawful activity as a result of a directive from Mr. Trump or someone doing his bidding, now is the time to report it.” Brennan just sent out a call to everybody in the administrative state to come forward and be your own whistleblower.

He’s giving them cover. He’s telling them, “Come forward! We’ll protect you. You can make it up. ‘If you think you were involved in unlawful activity as a result of a directive… now is the time to report it.” No limit on the number of people who can be whistleblowers! By the way, the theme of the audio sound bites today is me being on the cutting edge of everything. Things I predicted, things I said, are being echoed all over the place. Like I said last Friday, “The real whistleblower in this country is Donald Trump.

“He’s the real whistleblower. He’s blowing the whistle on the decades of corruption inside the Washington Beltway, throughout the administrative state.” I was thrilled to see Stephen Miller, who is Trump’s point man on immigration in the administration, actually call it the same thing. He said, “Trump is the whistleblower,” because Trump is blowing the lid on all these people and threatens to blow it even more, and that’s why he’s gotta be stopped. I predicted Hillary Clinton’s getting ready to get back in, seek the presidency. There’s a bunch of reasons for it.

It’s what it’s really all about. It’s about fixing 2016. She was supposed to be president, because if she was president, every damn one of these people that’s engaged in trying to get Trump would be protected. The FBI would be protected. Brennan, Clapper would be protected. Comey would be protected. That was the idea. If Hillary gets elected, then all of the stuff they did during the campaign to try to derail Trump would have been covered up forever. We’d a never known. Now we’re on the verge of learning it, hopefully, and they don’t want that to happen.

These people do not want any sunlight on everything they’ve been doing to overturn the election to try to deny Trump the electoral victory. With Hillary back in the White House, everything would be fine. There would be a giant blanket thrown on everything. Nobody would know anything. That was the objective in 2016. Of course, she’s the one who got the shaft, supposedly. She was supposed to win. Everybody knew it! Something happened, something went wrong. She didn’t win it. I mean, there’s so much tied up in this.

But now you’ve got John Brennan — who I’m telling you, folks, is filthy and a scourge — sending out a call to everybody in the deep state to come forward if they even think they might know something that Trump did. Trump has not done anything impeachable. They wouldn’t be having to make up all these lies if he had! They wouldn’t be having to work as hard as they’re working to convince people that Trump is a reprobate if they had actual evidence of Trump committing impeachable offenses. But they don’t.

The next thing that happened that really made me blow my gasket was this story that’s the whistleblower fears for his or her safety and is now under federal protection. You mean the kind of safety Steve Scalise didn’t have when he got shot by a deranged Bernie Sanders supporter? Remember how everybody ran to the microphones, “We can’t blame Bernie! We must not blame Bernie. We must not.” Right. Oh, of course nobody is gonna blame Bernie. We’re gonna blame Trump for everything Looney Tune radical leftists do!

Why not blame Bernie? He’s the guy making people insane on his side of the aisle! Hillary Clinton’s helping in making ’em insane! Nancy Pelosi’s now contributing to the insanity of the left, as is everybody that’s working this issue. Why not blame ’em? Christine Blasey Ford? No, the point is the run a story claiming the whistleblower — who doesn’t even have firsthand knowledge! The whistleblower… Because of a change in the statute a month before all this, a change in the statute, whistleblowers don’t have to have firsthand knowledge.

A friend of mine asked me a question over the weekend, “Hey, Rush, if the whistleblower only knows what he was told, then why aren’t the people who actually have firsthand knowledge doing the whistleblowing? Why aren’t they blowing the whistle?” (chuckles) Well, my friends, that question answers itself. But I will endeavor to answer. It’s because they can’t risk being identified. A CIA agent is who the whistleblower supposedly is, according to the New York Times. “Why would the New York Times out a CIA agent?”

They didn’t out anybody! The New York Times think they’re adding credibility to the guy by claiming he’s a CIA agent, or her. They’re not outing anybody! Remember Valerie Plame? She was a CIA agent, and a guy went to jail for leaking her name, and he didn’t even do it! The guy that did it worked for Colin Powell — and not a damn thing happened to him — Richard Armitage. No. They identified a leaker as CIA because that’s supposed to give the leaker credit with the American people, because everybody trusts intelligence agencies.

They weren’t outing anybody.

So the CIA agent here that’s been placed in the White House to spy on Trump — with secondhand, thirdhand knowledge — now goes and acts as a whistleblower, and is afraid that he might be murdered by Trump. That’s the story. They had to protect him. Federal protection! He was afraid, feared for his life. Yeah, like Trump is gonna go get him. And then they actually said, “The whistleblower may have point. You see what Trump did? Trump said he wants to confront his accuser! Trump says he has a right. The whistleblower is right to be afraid.”

Really? Really? We’re gonna go down this road? Donald Trump wants to murder the guy in a meeting? Donald Trump wants to murder or wound or inflict torture on the whistleblower, and so the whistleblower is afraid? The whistleblower is the most protected, popular, safe person in this country! The entire left is looking out for whoever this is, and yet they have to run a story — and the Drive-Bys trumpet it to the heavens — that the whistleblower’s afraid of being murdered! That’s what the story was. “Fears for safety” means “afraid of being killed.”

That’s a lie. That’s an exaggeration. All of this is just compounding on itself. But you have to ask yourself: If Trump is so easily removed, if Trump is so egregious and has committed so many repugnant acts, why do you have to build a case made on so many lies? Why not just tell people the truth of what Trump did? Well, because the truth doesn’t get ’em anywhere near impeachment. The truth gets them nearer jail. The truth gets them near a problem. That’s what they’ve got to keep covered up. That’s what they’ve got to shift.

They have to shift the aura of suspicion away from them themselves and on to Trump — and, of course, with the aid and assistance of the Drive-By Media, they can do just that, and they are. So Steve Scalise. I mean, here’s a guy practicing baseball, readying for a game against the Democrats. He gets shot by a Crazy Bernie guy. Here’s Christine Blasey Ford who comes out of nowhere with one lie after another — not even her best friend believed it — about Brett Kavanaugh. She was protected. She was pampered. She’s gonna have documentaries made, books written.

She has been made wealthy because of all of this. She should have been sued as well as everybody else that was part of that scam. Washington Examiner: “Whistleblower Fears Being Put in Harm’s Way by Trump and His Allies.” You know the truth is, Trump doesn’t have any allies that are gonna go anything for him on defense here. Where were the Republicans conducting hearings into what Biden and his kid were doing? Where was that when Obama and Biden were in the White House? Where was the same kind of scrutiny on the executive branch that we’re getting now?

Nobody has anything to fear from the Republicans in this! (chuckles) Republicans are gonna go grab guns and start shooting the whistleblower? Are we insane here? The fact of the matter is, Donald Trump’s out there practically by himself on this. “The intelligence community whistleblower who raised concerns about Trump’s phone call with the…” And, by the way, Pelosi says that’s it. That’s why we’re impeaching. Pelosi says that Trump asked the president of Ukraine for assistance in the 2020 campaign. He did not!

He didn’t do what Schiff said.

He didn’t act like a mob boss.

Do you know that there…? I mentioned this on Friday. There is a statute — it’s a treaty, actually — that goes back to 1999, signed by Slick Willie. It’s a mutual pact between us and Ukraine for joint prosecution of corruption. President Trump, by asking the president of Ukraine to look into items of corruption, just happened to involve Biden and his kid. President Trump was following the law! But the Democrats are lying. “He’s acting like a mob boss! He’s telling this guy, ‘Make it up and don’t get back to me ’til you do. I want to hear the right thing.

“If not, I’m not gonna send you any money.” Well, the money had already been sent! The president of Ukraine didn’t even know that there’d been a stop put on it. There’s nothing they are saying about this that is true, which leads me to another observation. Why all of the defeatism on our side? And I don’t mean among you. I’m talking about our intelligentsia. I’m talking about Republicans and conservatives in Washington, in media. Why all the defeatism? Why all the defections at Fox News? Why all of the sudden, “Ah, I can’t defend Trump anymore. This is too much. I can’t.”

I’ll explain and answer all of this, folks.


RUSH: I have to make a correction, folks. The statute, the whistleblower statute was not changed. It’s even more insidious than that, in a way. The statute requiring firsthand knowledge — whistleblowers being able to say they actually saw or heard what they’re reporting. The internal proceedings of the inspector general and of the intel agencies was what was changed. The statute never required firsthand knowledge. Instead, firsthand knowledge was always a requirement of the inspector general in the procedures for reviewing any complaint.

So the statute never required firsthand knowledge, but the IG setting up requirements demanded it. If we’re gonna have a whistleblower, we’re gonna have to have a whistleblower that knows from direct knowledge what was said or what was done. In other words, the whistleblower had to be an eyewitness or an earwitness. That is what has changed, and they did it very shortly before this complaint got filed. They did this, I think, within 30 days, if I’m not mistaken. They changed the internal process in order to allow hearsay complaints.

Now, everybody that’s looked at this knows that this complaint was written by lawyers, not intelligence people. In fact, it’s being praised! It’s being held up as an example for would-be writers as a teaching tool, this complaint. I think it was written by House Intelligence Committee staffers, if you want to know the truth. I can’t prove it. But since we don’t need direct, firsthand knowledge, I’m gonna blow the whistle on the House Intelligence Committee. These are people that know this system cold, by the way. This thing as a blatant, total setup — carefully thought through, brilliantly conceived, flawlessly executed so far.


RUSH: I also saw something, speaking of all this… I really hope I’m misunderstanding Grassley.

Did you see what Chuck Grassley said over the weekend? You know what makes him mad about all this? Okay, now, you get ready for this — and I like Senator Grassley. He was great during the Blasey Ford stuff when he found his sea legs, once the Republicans finally figured out the Democrats were running another scam. Why does it take us so long to realize they’re running scams when that’s all they do? This is a scam. There’s nothing legit here. There’s no truth. They’re having to make it up — and I’ve got more on that coming.

But Senator Grassley said that what really upsets him is that is the Democrats are not including the Republicans in the House in the impeachment process. What? Now, I hope that what he meant was that he’s heard the Democrats are not gonna even allow the Republicans to interrogate witnesses. But here’s a guy, the senator from Iowa… This is the problem. If I’m wrong about this… He has accepted the impeachment business. (muttering) “Well, they’re gonna do this.” Mitch McConnell did too. The Turtle said, “Hey, if we do it, there’s gotta be a trial.”

There’s nobody in official Republican stratas that’s trying to refute this! They’re all dealing with it as though it’s a fait accompli. It’s not a fait accompli. But, see, there’s a whole different mentality about this stuff when you live in the Beltway. There’s an entirely different attitude, mental awareness. There’s an entirely different existence living in Washington, D.C. “Oh, the Democrats are gonna impeach? Oh, okay! Well, they better play fair with the Republicans.”


That’s the reaction?

I just hope that I’m misunderstanding it. Kamala Harris, the bottom has fallen out of her campaign. She’s going nowhere in it. She was on PMSNBC over the weekend and said, “Impeachment hearings won’t take long since Trump has confessed,” and who else did I hear say that? I can’t remember. I heard it and mentioned it. I talked about it on Friday, that somebody’s out there saying Trump has “confessed.” It might be a media person. Trump hasn’t confessed to anything! I’m telling you, folks, there’s not one thing these people are saying that is not a lie.

Now, last Wednesday… You know, it’s obvious Willie Brown did not pick Kamala Harris for her brain, which is the case with most philanderers. The brain is the last thing in a you’re interested in if you’re a philanderer. (interruption) What, is that too mean? I’m not being too mean. I’m being realistic! You know this. If you’re philander, brain is the last thing you care about. Obviously, Willie Brown didn’t care about her brain. Last Wednesday, Fredo Cuomo’s brother Andrew… (chuckling) You know what he was at?

He was attending “an event on ‘political civility’ with … Chris Christie.” (laughing) Why does that make me laugh? Political civility! Anyway, Fredo’s brother is there with Chris Christie, and Andrew Cuomo “offered a sharp rebuke of the Democrats’ [attempt] for impeachment, blaming ‘leftist’ Democrats for forcing Congress to begin an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. Cuomo… felt the ‘quote unquote inquiry’ was a result of Democratic radicals in Congress pushing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to engage in an ultimately pointless exercise that would just result in political gridlock.”

Cuomo said, “There is a heightened leftist component of the Democratic Party that she was feeling pressure from.” Well, it’s most of the party, Andrew. I always thought you were part of it! When you said be happy if conservatives left the state, didn’t think it was friendly place for conservatives or a suitable place. But, anyway, he’s right. He’s right. The Democrat Party — home and champion of the little guy, home and champion of tolerance and compassion — doesn’t give a rat’s iota about things that matter to the American people. They have said so.

There’s not gonna be action on anything, including things leftists care about. Climate change? There isn’t gonna be any action on that. Nothing! It is all-in on impeachment and getting rid of Donald Trump, to the point that Pelosi said… You Democrats, hear me on this: Nancy Pelosi said it’s worth losing the House! Wait a minute. Why is that even a possibility if this is so necessary? If Trump is such a skunk, if Trump is such a scalawag, if Trump is such a reprobate, if he’s such a bad guy, how could you possibly lose the House doing this? Why wouldn’t you win all 435 seats?

It’s all lies, my friends.

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