Why Trump Could Not Have Engaged in a Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 27,2019

RUSH: One of the allegations being made against Trump vis-a-vis the phone call he made with the president of Ukraine was that there was a quid pro quo, that Trump was promising to withhold money the United States had pledged, was gonna withhold the money if the new president of Ukraine didn’t dig up the dirt on Biden.

Well, I hate to tell them, but the quid pro quo and cover-up allegations against Trump are falling apart. I don’t want you to doubt me. It’s gonna be very hard to accept what I’m telling you here, folks, because you’re gonna leave here and you’re gonna be onslaughted by a never-ending media operation, but I’m telling you their plans, this grandiose impeachment announcement, has fallen apart.

They’re not talking about it in Ohio. It did not create the stoppage in America, it was not treated as some serious, really, really heavy thing that stopped Americans in their tracks and made them think soberly about things in America today. It was perceived as just the next Democrat series of allegations. So it’s not unfolding the way they intended. They will never betray this. They’re not gonna act like it’s not working, so just take my word for it.

Here are the details. “Two new developments will probably have some Democrats wishing they had waited for all the information to come out before jumping the gun on impeachment.” No, because impeachment’s not about the substance of anything, but here it is. “The first comes from an unnamed Ukrainian official who said that Kiev –” that’s the capital of Ukraine, for those of you in Rio Linda, “Kiev was not aware that the United States had suspended security funds before Trump’s call on July 25th.”

Trump could not have threatened to withhold the money. It had already been withheld. Trump’s phone call had nothing to do with withholding money. There could be have been a quid pro quo, folks! And the Ukrainian president did not know that the funds had been put on hold until a month after Trump’s call.

To repeat, the first allegation that’s falling apart, unnamed Ukrainian official who said that Kiev was not aware the U.S. had suspended security funds before Trump’s July 25th call. Trump could not have suspended money. He couldn’t have threatened to because it had already been suspended a month before he made the call.

Furthermore, the Ukrainian president, Zelensky, didn’t know that the funds had been put on hold until a month after he had talked to Trump. The money was an irrelevant subject. It was a nonfactor. There could have been no quid pro quo. Trump could not have promised to withhold it unless he got what he wanted because it already had been withheld. It had already been put on hold.

The whistleblower complaint alleged that officials in Kiev knew military aid was at stake, but the whistleblower admitted not knowing how or when — the whistleblower doesn’t know jack. The whistleblower didn’t hear the phone call. The whistleblower got thirdhand — the whistleblower is a phony. Back in a moment.


RUSH: Did you know this? Did you know that there is a treaty between the United States and Ukraine regarding cooperation for prosecuting crimes? Now, some people think this is a bit too in the weeds, meaning it’s a little bit complicated and you gotta dig deep into it before you get to the nub of it, but I don’t think so.

“It appears President Trump was following the law to the letter when it comes to unearthing the long-standing corruption that has swirled in Ukraine and allegedly involves powerful Democrats like Joe Biden,” and his son! I want to read to you a treaty. Not very long. I’m gonna read to you a treaty that was signed between the United States and Ukraine regarding cooperation for prosecuting crimes from 1999.

Here is the treaty. “To the Senate of the United States, with a view to receiving the advice and consent of the Senate to ratification, I transmit herewith the treaty between the United States of America and Ukraine on mutual legal assistance in criminal matters with annex, signed at Kiev on July 22nd, 1998. I transmit alias for the information of the Senate an exchange of notes, which was signed on September 30th, 1999, which provides for its provisional application as well as the report of the Department of State with respect to the treaty.

“The treaty is one of a series of modern mutual legal assistance treaties being negotiated by the U.S. in order to counter criminal activities more effectively. The treaty should be an effective tool to assist in the prosecution of a wide variety of crimes, including drug trafficking offenses. The treaty is self-executing. It provides for a broad range of cooperation in criminal matters, mutual assistance available under the treaty includes taking of testimony or statements of persons, providing documents, records, and articles of evidence, serving documents, locating or identifying persons, transferring persons in custody for testimony or other purposes, executing requests for searches and seizures and assisting in proceedings related to restraint, confiscation, forfeiture of assets, restitution, collection of fines. I recommend that the Senate give early and favorable consideration to the treaty and give its advice and consent to ratification.” Signed, William J. Clinton, 1999.

Meaning that when Trump asked the president of Ukraine to help investigate the crimes that may have been committed by Joe Biden and his son Hunter, he was simply abiding by a treaty that we have with Ukraine, promising such mutual cooperation. Trump was not in violation of law. In fact, Trump was behaving according to the letter of the law.

Remember how early this week I said that once I saw the transcript of the call where Trump had mentioned CrowdStrike to the Ukrainian president, I said, “He’s asking the president of Ukraine to help them get to the bottom of the investigation into him.” Trump is asking for assistance, looking into CrowdStrike, what involvement they have in Ukraine because the founder of CrowdStrike hates Putin, literally hates Putin.

It would be so classic for this guy at CrowdStrike to blame Putin and the Russians for hacking the Democrat server simply because he hates the guy. Well, Hogan Gidley, who, by the way, you may have seen Hogan Gidley now and then on Fox. He is one of the ranking people in the communications shop at the White House. The guy is really good. And he’s a great guy. I’ve met him a couple of times on trips to the White House. He’s really a stand-up guy. He’s brilliant as well.

Anyway, he came out and admitted that what this is, is Trump asking Ukraine to help expose the corruption that happened in 2016 by mentioning CrowdStrike. Hogan Gidley is not aware of what I have said, I’m certain, confirmed it. He said, ” Of course the president talked about looking into corruption in the 2016 election, and I’m old enough to remember when Democrats used to want to find out what happened in the 2016 election,” said Hogan Gidley.

That’s a great line. “I’m old enough to remember when they wanted to find out what happened in 2016.” They know what happened. Their efforts to rig the election failed.

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