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RUSH: And back to the phones. This — uh. What happened to the guy? What happened to the guy? It was a good call, 26, right? He was a Millennial. He said he listened to me off and on. What was his question? Hm-hm.

Okay. We had a 26-year-old guy from Denver, Millennial. The only president he’s known as an adult paying attention is Obama. And nothing like this ever happened during the Obama administration. So this caller wants to know, is this normal? Is this what politics is gonna be? Now, that’s an intriguing question for somebody who’s 26. It’s an intriguing answer for somebody who’s 26. Because what is the answer? Is this normal?

Here’s what’s normal, for all of you out there who are in this camp. You are 26, you’re 30, your first vote for president might have been 2008 or 2012, Barack Hussein O. About those years, I’m sure what you remember is a peaceful media. You don’t remember the media being ramped up against the president every damn day. You don’t remember the media nonstop hating on the president.

You remember the media loving and respecting and adoring the president. You also remember the president’s health care plan was a fiasco and a disaster. You also probably remember that you couldn’t find a job that paid you very well. You also remember that you were told that the planet was on the way to being destroyed and that Obama was in charge and managing the decline of all these things.

But what you remember is a peaceful media, that as far as you were concerned, reported on the president fairly and supportively. And now, since you weren’t alive to see any of this with Richard Nixon or Ronaldus Magnus and you weren’t old enough to pay attention to it, this is normal when there is a Republican president because the media is not media. It’s Democrats in the media. This is normal, although this one’s taken to extremes, when there are Republicans in the White House.

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