The Left’s Mission Is to Destroy Lives

by Rush Limbaugh - Sep 17,2019

RUSH: In remarks to reporters yesterday, Trump pointed out that the New York Times’ latest hit job is an attempt to destroy Kavanaugh’s life, which is true — and Trump’s, too, I guess we could add. We pounded yesterday that the goal isn’t just to destroy Kavanaugh. The Drive-By Media — the Democrats and the Democrats in the media — are doing a bunch of things with this hit job on Kavanaugh. They’re warning other conservative judges, “Don’t take it. If Trump calls and nominates you for either Supreme Court, a district court, or appellate court position, don’t take it, because look what we’re gonna do to you.

“We’re gonna turn your life upside down. We’re gonna make false allegations about your sex life. We’re gonna bring women that you don’t even remember having met out of the rafters, and they’re gonna say all kinds of horrible things about you.” But it’s not gonna stop there. In addition to warning off any future Republican judge about taking an appointment, they are going to find a way to taint every ruling that Kavanaugh participates in. Kavanaugh is thought to be part of the conservative majority on the court.

So any time there’s a conservative majority ruling that Kavanaugh joins, they can now — throughout the media — include the fact, “Brett Kavanaugh, who voted with the majority, is a reputed sex offender and rapist who has been accused by…” Well, that’s all they have to do: Just include that allegation. It doesn’t have to have been true. The way journalism works is if anybody accuses you of it, and then somebody in journalism prints the allegation, then it’s in the record forever. The fact that it’s not true is irrelevant.

The reference will not say that it’s true. “Brett Kavanaugh participated with the majority in the 5-4 decision. Kavanaugh, who has been accused of rape and who has been accused of throwing his manhood in the face of women at frat parties…” That’s how it’ll happen. And then the third attempt here is to intimidate Kavanaugh into not ruling in ways that would result in this kind of treatment. So this is dastardly, devious stuff. Folks, these people on the left here, there is literally nothing about them that we would want to compromise with, that we would want to accept or come to some kind of agreement with.

These people have to be regularly and roundly defeated in a political sense at every opportunity. There is no crossing the aisle and shaking their hands. There’s none. None of that. Trump is right when he says, you know, how can they do a thing like this to destroy somebody’s life? I mean, they are destroying lives. The New York Times is destroying lives with fake news, and it’s indisputable. So here’s some addenda to the story now.

The Squad can always be counted on to do the Democrats’ dirtiest work. Ayanna Pressley is gonna introduce a House resolution today calling for an impeachment inquiry into Kavanaugh because of this New York Times piece. You’re saying, “But wait! But wait! Hasn’t that piece been debunked?” That doesn’t matter! Again, it’s not journalism! The New York Times is not doing journalism. Nobody’s reacting to journalism. This is political activism. I mean, this is so hard. It’s so hard to get people to not look at news organizations as purveys of news.

It’s so hard to get people to see it. The New York Times may as well be a PAC, folks. They may as well be a Democrat political action committee, a political consultancy group. They literally run the Democrat Party, they and their other media cohorts. “Ayanna Pressley plans to a introduce House resolution [today] calling for an impeachment inquiry of Kavanaugh in the wake of the New York Times story that detailed an allegation of sexual impropriety when he was in college” that nobody can remember actually having happened or that hasn’t happened.

“Pressley plans to introduce a proposal that would allow a committee to take affidavits and depositions and issue subpoenas in connection with an impeachment inquiry of Kavanaugh. Pressley said in a statement yesterday, ‘I believe Christine Blasey Ford.'” There is no reason to believe Christine Blasey Ford. She has yet to have any aspect of her story confirmed. But then again, see, it doesn’t matter. The nature of the evidence doesn’t matter. It’s the seriousness of the charge. The charge is what enables the Times to keep recycling it.

And then up next, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of The Squad “claimed Monday morning that Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath during his confirmation process and ‘must be impeached,’ long after this weekend’s allegation against the Supreme Court Justice was debunked and the New York Times was forced to correct its reporting.” This ought to be all the evidence anybody needs. The story’s been debunked! The Times has admitted that the woman involved has no recollection, and yet all these Democrats are acting like it’s true, demanding that Kavanaugh be impeached.

What about the truth?

What about the facts?

They’re not relevant, folks. The charge, the allegation is all that matters. That’s the ammo. That’s all they need. They don’t care whether any of this is true, and they don’t care that they’re destroying a man and his career and his life, his future, and his family. They don’t care a whit. “But, Rush! But, Rush! These are the people that claim to have all the compassion and all the tolerance and understanding.” Don’t buy it. There’s no compassion in these people. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley, Mazie Hirono? These people don’t have compassion.

These people are just obsessed with pure, raw hatred. That’s all they’ve got. The Democrat Party is the biggest hate group in this country. Ilhan Omar weighed in. “Impeaching Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh is our constitutional duty,” says Ilhan Omar. So you have all these Democrats demanding that the House begin impeachment hearings on Kavanaugh and riding to the rescue Jerry Nadler who said: We don’t have time. We have our hands full with the Trump impeachment.

“Nadler said that the Judiciary Committee will question the FBI director, ‘and then we’ll make other determinations. Frankly, we are concentrating our resources on determining whether to impeach the president. Personally, I think the president ought to be impeached, but we have to concentrate on that for the next few months.'” I don’t have time for this other thing.

It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. The way they strategize these things, whether there’s an actual impeachment hearing of Trump or of Kavanaugh is not the point. The fact that they get to go in the media every day and demand one, then the media gets to report that they’re demanding it, and then they get to repeat the process. And then this whole new narrative is created that Kavanaugh needs to be impeached, which leads Democrat donors and supports, “Well, then why isn’t it happening?”

And then the Democrats and the media get to come along and blame the Republicans. Not the New York Times, not themselves, not Jerry Nadler. So it’s all part of an ongoing strategy that has been played out many times in the past just on different people.

You might say, “But, Rush, why can’t they let it go? Kavanaugh won, he’s on the court, he got confirmed. And, you know what? Kavanaugh has even, in a couple of rulings, I can’t remember which ones they are, but in a couple of rulings Kavanaugh sided with the libs on the court. And at the time he did, there were people speculating that maybe all of the attacks on Kavanaugh had worked and he was trying to send a signal to all of his critics, “Hey, don’t worry, I’m good, I’m finding for you on these cases.” Not in those exact words.

But my point is, Kavanaugh cannot buy them off with judicial rulings they support. Can’t happen. Now, you might be saying, “Rush, that’s crazy. I mean, why would –” Because Kavanaugh is a Trump nominee. As such, he is forever disqualified. He is forever unfit. Anything having to do with Trump, Kavanaugh could become the biggest lib on that court and they are not gonna change trying to get rid of him. They’re not gonna change lying about him being a sexual predator. He could become the biggest liberal.

Now, some of you are saying, “Rush, that’s just not true. They would welcome that. They would consider that a victory.” No. Folks, if you don’t understand this, you still don’t understand them. Kavanaugh was appointed by Trump. Kavanaugh survived the effort to take him out like Trump has. That infuriates them. It makes them double down, triple down trying to get rid of him. The fact that he is tied to Trump means he’s got to go.

There’s not gonna be a moment’s peace in his life. There isn’t going to be any way he can buy them off. Every Republican needs to learn this. There is no way you can buy love from the media. There’s no way you can make the media stop hating you if you’re Republican, whether Trump’s in the equation or not.

Can I give you an example on the reverse end of the scale? Look at the Never Trumpers. Never Trumpers, the conservative intellectuals of the conservative movement, the conservative intellectuals, the people that were the energy, the intellectual energy behind the entire conservative movement, the people that were telling everybody else what conservatism is, who conservatives are, how conservatives think on this and this and that and that.

Then Donald Trump gets the nomination and these people in the Never Trumpers hate Trump, don’t want any part of Trump, they’re thinking of voting for Hillary, some of them did, now they’re thinking of voting for whoever the Democrats nominate. Yet virtually everything they support policy wise is being implemented, everything. And yet they still hate Trump. So it’s a fact of Washington, not just of the Democrats here.

If common sense were a factor, these Never Trumpers would be saying, “You know what? We misjudged Trump. The guy is implementing stuff that we’ve devoted our lives to.” That’d be the mature, smart thing to do. They can’t bring themselves to because they hate the guy personally. They’re jealous, they’re envious. They’ve been working their whole lives to get this stuff implemented, none of it has been to speak of.

Trump comes along in two and a half years, gets 90% of what they believe in implemented, thereby demonstrating how irrelevant they’ve actually been. Oh, they can’t have this, they can’t put up with that.

So if the Never Trumper conservatives cannot even be happy with the things they love and appreciate actually being implemented, if they’re still gonna hate on Trump, I guarantee you Brett Kavanaugh cannot win them over by finding in the most liberal way every decision that comes before him. They’re still gonna not stop until they have destroyed him.


RUSH: This is Page in Philadelphia. Great to have you with us. Hi.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. Greetings from the City of Brotherly Love.

RUSH: Thank you.

CALLER: Should I just go and tell you what happened to my son today at Temple University?

RUSH: Yes.

CALLER: Okay. He was in a class called The Common Good where the teacher asked a question to them whether rape has changed since the 1800s, to which my son texted me that everyone basically in unison said, “Yes.” And she replied, “Well, Brett Kavanaugh is on the Supreme Court, so has it really changed?”

And she continued trashing men in general for several minutes, making fun of them about being falsely accused of rape. So I quickly filed a complaint with the university and I hope that while she has the freedom of speech, that we don’t want to pay for that in our education system, especially in college to have them brainwashed.

RUSH: Okay. I’m not sure. Did you say this is at Temple?


RUSH: Okay. I’m not sure what she means by has rape changed since the 1800s. What does that mean, has raped changed? What does that mean?

CALLER: I imagine maybe the impression of whether a rape has actually occurred versus it being interpreted as a rape or just the publication of someone being raped or not, would be my guess. My son would have to answer that.

RUSH: But her point is that since Kavanaugh got away with it, rape hasn’t changed? Is that her point?

CALLER: Yes, exactly.

RUSH: So she’s essentially saying the #MeToo movement has not made any ground, that rapists still get away with it?

CALLER: Exactly, and that you can get on the Supreme Court and still be a rapist according to her.

RUSH: Okay. Look. I like to understand everything I’m hearing. I understand that’s the hook, that we have a college professor who ought to know, she’s a teacher, she ought to know that Brett Kavanaugh didn’t rape anybody. She ought to know that there’s no evidence that Brett Kavanaugh has ever raped anybody.

I don’t even think — was rape the allegation against him? It was an unwanted sexual advance, but here’s this teacher at Temple University, which is not an insignificant University, running around saying to her classroom, “Hey, you know, men still run this world. Nothing’s changed. Men were raping and pillaging back in the 1800s, and they’re still raping and pillaging, and they can still end up on the Supreme Court.”

I understand your point. It is the height of irresponsibility. But again, folks, she’s not a teacher! She is a left-wing activist! They have corrupted education. They’ve corrupted journalism. They corrupt everything they touch. They’re corrupting the NFL. They’re corrupting you name it, Hollywood. It’s corrupted.


RUSH: Sharon in Atlantic Beach, Florida. Great to have you. I’m glad you waited. You’re next.

CALLER: Hi, Rush! I’ve waited years to talk to you. But, anyway, I just want to say I find a very bleak picture of what’s happening to Brett Kavanaugh, and how we are probably not going to be able to overcome it or whether he can overcome it.

RUSH: Okay, wait. I’m not… Did you say you find it a bleak picture of what’s happening?

CALLER: Bleak. Yes, a very bleak picture, and I feel it borders on criminal the way they’re treating him and what their motivation is in order to basically destroy his usefulness on the Supreme Court.

RUSH: Wait a minute. It’s beyond that. They’re trying to destroy his life.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: They’re trying to destroy his reputation, not just his work on the court. They’re trying to taint his very human existence. They’re trying to corrupt it and poison it.

CALLER: I don’t see how they can get away with it. Surely there are decent people on the left who can’t stand by and watch this happening.

RUSH: Where are they? Can you name one for me? Can you name one standing up and saying, “We shouldn’t be doing this; it’s beneath us”? Can you name one that’s doing that?

CALLER: I… I personally can’t name anyone on the left that is well-known left, but surely I’m thinking that maybe the people, you know, on the periphery certainly might have those feelings. I mean, the family, the kids. I mean, it’s just shameful — and I think criminal — what they’re doing to him.

RUSH: They don’t care. I’m so glad that you realize this.


RUSH: I have been trying to convince people of this for a long time. It’s a tough thing to believe, isn’t it? It’s a tough thing to actually accept that there’s not a single person in the Democrat Party who finds this objectionable, who finds this beneath their own humanity.


RUSH: It’s kind of a wake-up call to realize that the Democrat Party’s made up of people who literally want to prosper and succeed by personally destroying people who are not like them, their enemies or their opponents. Now, you say it’s criminal. What can Kavanaugh do? Well, in the old way of looking at things, Kavanaugh won. You’ve heard the old saying: The best revenge is success.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Okay. Well, he’s on the court. He was confirmed. He beat ’em back. But they’re not going away. So it’s criminal in the sense that you think it’s libelous, slanderous, what?

CALLER: No, I think that just personal destruction of somebody. It’s simply untrue, you know, what they’re doing, accusing him of. I mean, to me, that’s basically, to me, a criminal act. I mean, seriously.

RUSH: Well, you see, in the world of politics it’s not because the First Amendment was actually written with political speech in mind, and so that’s why there’s no truth-in-advertising law in politics. You can say anything you want in a political ad. You can say whatever the existing society will tolerate. You can say whatever decent people will put up with.

CALLER: Well, you know, Trump — whom I adore — since day one, I watch what he does, not what he says. Brett Kavanaugh can’t fight back with tweets. He really can’t. But Donald Trump can. So that makes Kavanaugh a more sympathetic person.

RUSH: Why can’t Kavanaugh fight back? Because judges have to remain silent?

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: He can’t tweet, you know, but Trump can. And, you know, I mean, I don’t like a lot of his tweets, but I certainly understand why he does it.

RUSH: What do you not like about some of them?

CALLER: (chuckling) Well, I think sometimes he’s opening a can of worms. I think, “Oh, my God. He’s opening another can of worms.”

RUSH: So you think that if he would tweet about certain things less, he would be less of a target?

CALLER: Well, as I said, I watch what he does. I’ve gotten to that point. From day one, I said, “Don’t tell me anything negative about Trump. I watch what he does, not what he says.”

RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: And so that’s my philosophy with Trump. But I don’t think Kavanaugh could proceed in that manner.

RUSH: No, he can’t. He can’t even sue. He can’t even go after them on liable ’cause in America if you’re a public figure, you have to eat it.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: You have to take it.

CALLER: Right.

RUSH: Look, people that get in this are saying, “Hey, he knew what was coming. He wanted to be on the top court. He knew what was coming. Don’t feel sorry for him. He knew.” Well, see, that’s the thing. The Democrats, however, don’t usually get this kind of treatment. Republicans generally let Democrat presidents have the judges they want. There are exceptions, I understand, like Merrick Garland. But he was simply opposed to deny Obama a nomination, not because they made stuff up about his penis.


RUSH: I knew I had something here in the Stack that related to what we were talking about, and I just found it during the obscene profit time-out break here. It is a commentary by a man named Charles Lipson, L-i-p-s-o-n. It’s at Real Clear Politics, and it’s a piece entitled, “When Politics Smothers Everyday Life.” Now, it’s kind of a play on a point that I have made, and that is that liberalism ruins everything that it touches. Liberalism corrupts everything — and whatever aspect of life that liberalism seeks to involve itself with, ends up being ruined.

It ends up making people miserable. It ends up dividing people. It takes traditions and institutions that have been getting along just fine and wrecks them, because its purpose is to tear them all down. And politics (meaning liberalism) has infected everything. You cannot even turn on ESPN without being bombarded at some stage of either a SportsCenter show, a game broadcast or whatever with some political snark somewhere along the line. It doesn’t matter what aspect of life.

They politicize the Boy Scouts by tearing it down and destroying that (Girl Scouts, ditto), and it’s worldwide. It’s not just in the United States. So this piece by Mr. Lipson… Let me just give you some pull quotes after the open. Here’s the opening paragraph: “Partisan politics has crept into every corner of American life. Every topic, from jokes to films, is now refracted through that lens” of partisan politics. “It’s a revoltin’ development, as one sitcom character used to say, and it’s time to call it out.” Well, look, we have been calling it out here for I don’t know how many years I’ve been making the observation.

But let me just share with you some of the pull quotes here. “Most issues do have a political dimension, of course. But seeing everything [through politics] leaves no space for other topics, no room for play or humor or friends with different views. It intrudes on the private world of family, friends, and voluntary associations. People need that space” absent politics “to flourish. A tolerant, liberal democracy should provide it.” Well, how would that…?

What? (scoffs) How would a tolerant, liberal democracy provide spaces that have not been politicized? Why is it happening? Because one side is aggressive with it! Is it not the case, folks? We wake up every day here and the odds are the news is about somebody or some institution that we love and hold dear that’s under assault as being bigoted or racist or unfair, unjust. So the day begins with the need to seemingly defend everything that we believe in and people that we believe in, people that we hold dear.

What are you supposed to do when the other side is the aggressors? You know, the aggressors always make the rules. Aggressors never abide by rules. That’s the whole point of being aggressive. There aren’t any rules! You get to throw them out. You have everybody respond to what you do, because there are no limits on what an aggressor can choose to do — and that’s what we find ourselves in the midst of here. There are no limits.

If it means destroying somebody as overall harmless as Brett Kavanaugh… Now, to them, see, he’s not harmless, because to them the Supreme Court’s the most important place in the world. The Supreme Court is where abortion will never die. The Supreme Court is where gay marriage will never die! The Supreme Court is where all of liberalism will live and die. Do you know why? Because it will never be voted on by a majority of people.

A majority of people will never vote issue after issue to affirm the liberal take on it. They have to force ’em it on them — and that’s what the courts are for. So somebody like Kavanaugh who might vote to overturn Roe, or who might not be sympathetic to gay marriage as a legal proposition? “Why, we can’t have that. We gotta destroy this guy before he can do that vote. We’ve got to intimidate him into making sure he doesn’t overturn Roe v. Wade. We have to threaten his family.

“We have to threaten his kids.” This is what they’re doing. Now, we can sit here and wring our hands and lament the fact that there aren’t any empty spaces anymore, but they have corrupt comedy. They’ve corrupted humor. Humor isn’t humor anymore. Comedy shows are applause lines acknowledging the most creativity way of expressing hatred. That’s what’s become a comedy. Look at any show that is said to be a comedy show. You won’t laugh.

You’ll applaud. If you’re a big lib, you will applaud the hatred of political opponents, and you will applaud the hateful way they are treated, laughed at, mocked, and made fun of. Not comedy. Nobody wants to laugh. The left doesn’t laugh. You’re not permitted to laugh, especially at them. Here’s another pull quote. He’s talking about Senator John Kennedy here from Louisiana. “What did Sen. Kennedy say? ‘Trusting Russia, North Korea, and Iran is like trusting a Jussie Smollett police report.'”

The left found that outrageously offensive. In truth, that is funny as hell! In truth, that is brilliantly creative! And he comes up with it on the spot. What’s wrong with this: “Trusting Russia, North Korea, and Iran’s like trusting a Jussie Smollett police report”? It’s funny. It’s memorable.

“But when everything is partisan, you can always find something wrong. If nothing comes readily to mind, blame the speaker for something else. He’s from the wrong political party. He supports the wrong policies. He’s the wrong race. He’s the wrong gender.” Senator Kennedy says this is why aliens won’t talk to us. Because of the Democrats and the way they have shut down freedom of speech and humor and good times and fun.

The left wanted to string him up because they thought he was talking about illegal immigrants. He was making fun of people that believe in UFOs. He said Martians don’t want to talk to us anymore because of the way liberals have treated conversations, everyday conversations. “What do you mean aliens won’t talk — this guy hates Hispanics.” And of course he wasn’t even talking about Hispanics.

Senator Kennedy, Senator John Kennedy has a wit and originality about him that really stand out today because there’s nobody else in elected office other than Trump who has the guts to say these things. And they’re harmless fun. The way Senator Kennedy describes Trump: “A hard dog to keep on the porch.”

“Other comments are more pointed and creative. He wouldn’t trust any Middle Eastern country, aside from Israel, ‘any more than he would trust gas-station sushi.'” Would you buy sushi in a gas station? No way. Well, neither would Senator Kennedy. And he’s saying that he wouldn’t trust gas station sushi any more than he would trust any Middle Eastern country when the subject mattered.

Anyway, those are the kind of things that the writers say, “These are harmless, funny little things that everybody used to smile and laugh at, but now they want to put Kennedy in some kind of prison camp for his insensitivity.”

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