Trump Changes Green Card Rule to Save Taxpayer Money

by Rush Limbaugh - Aug 12,2019

RUSH: This is another big story today. “The Trump administration on Monday issued a long-awaited rule strengthening the ability of federal officials to deny green cards to immigrants deemed likely to rely on government aid.”

This is going to save somebody that’s never considered in any of this when we talk about illegal immigration, health care for illegals, welfare, education, you name it, the one entity that is never discussed and never talked about is the taxpayer, the American citizen responsible for paying for all of this irresponsibility the Democrats are proposing.

And Donald Trump finally is, $57 billion a year this is gonna save. It might seem like chump change to you, but $57 billion is not chump change. “The Trump administration on Monday issued a long-awaited rule strengthening the ability of federal officials to deny green cards to immigrants deemed likely to rely on government aid. Officials described the so-called ‘public charge’ rule as a way to ensure those granted permanent residency are self-sufficient.”

This is the rule that’s gonna be enforced. If you’re gonna be given a green card, if you’re gonna be granted entry, you’ve got to prove that you can take care of yourself, that you’re not gonna end up on the welfare rolls. To protect taxpayers in the process. “Officials described the so-called ‘public charge’ rule as a way to ensure those granted permanent residency are self-sufficient — and protect taxpayers in the process.”

That is one large group of Americans that nobody seems to give one hoot about anymore. And certainly not the Democrats. But Trump does. Trump is the only person to give two hoots about this group of people, the American taxpayers. Everybody cares. And everybody feels bad. It’s so tough for illegals, and blacks and gays, and child molesters and trannies and so forth. But the one group of people always left out of any concern, any compassion and any gratitude, the American taxpayer.

The American taxpayer is routinely attacked as selfish and greedy and incompetent. The American taxpayer is due a lot of gratitude, owed a lot of thank-you’s. And yet the Democrat Party running around pointing fingers at them like they are a bunch of white supremacist neo-Nazis that don’t care about anybody and want to take even more of what they have under the premise they’re not paying their fair share.

So while they are paying for everything, nobody thanks them and impugns them at the same time. Ken Cuccinelli, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Acting Director, said, “The principle driving it is an old American value, and that’s self-sufficiency. It’s a core principle — the American Dream itself — and it’s one of the things that distinguishes us, and it’s central to the legal history in the U.S. back into the 1800s. It will also have the long-term benefit of protecting taxpayers by ensuring people who are immigrating to this country don’t become public burden.”

Wait ’til the Democrats hear about this. Well, they already have. And they are fit to be tied over it. Because who are we to demand people take care of themselves? That’s what the Democrat Party is for.

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