Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Dems Trash Obama-Biden

by Rush Limbaugh - Jul 22,2019

RUSH: My friends, you’re not going to read about this in the Drive-By Media, but it is happening and it is very important.

The Democrat presidential primary right now is being led by none other than Joe Biden. Joe Biden was vice president for who? Barack Hussein Obama. What is Biden trying to do? He’s trying to say that he’s going to be the continuation of the Obama administration.

You know what’s happening? Again, you’re not going to see this in the Drive-By Media. The consultants and campaign managers for other candidates are beginning to rip the Obama administration. They’re ripping the Obama administration for separating families at the border, for not cutting down the number of people getting into the country. Even Obamacare is coming up for criticism.

Democrat voters are getting all this in email blasts, fundraising blasts and so forth. It hasn’t cracked the mainstream media yet but it has to at some point. I never thought I would see this. The Democrat Party, in order to get rid of Biden, is actually telling the truth about the failures of the Obama eight years.

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