Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 24,2019

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Jun 24, 2019


CNN: Bernie Sanders to unveil plan to cancel all $1.6 trillion of student loan debt
Washington Examiner: Elizabeth Warren promises reparations for gay couples
Fox News: Corey Lewandowski: Here come the Democratic debates – 20 candidates, 2 nights, 1 giant mess
Fox News: Trump’s new sanctions could deal blow ‘right to the heart’ of Iranian economy, Rep. Turner says
David Steinberg: MUST READ Ilhan Omar thread
Rasmussen: Revoke Ilhan Omar’s Marriage Fraud Immunity Card -Malkin
CNN: Nancy Pelosi called Trump Friday night asking him to call off ICE raids
TIME: The First 2020 Democratic Debate Is Almost Here. Here’s Everything You Need to Know
Vulture: Which Big Little Lies Mom Is Right About Kids and Climate Change?
Fox News: Joe Biden promises to ‘cure cancer’ if elected president
Twitter, Charles V Payne @cvpayne: “The coolest democrat running for president has an interesting track record as mayor. Mayor Pete came into office and tossed out the black police chief and since blacks on the police force have dwindled to 5% from 10%. I’m so baffled why anyone thinks dems should own black vote.”
Project Veritas: Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam
U.K. Guardian: Paper straws won’t save the planet – we need a four-day week
CNN: Trump announces ‘hard-hitting’ new sanctions against Iran
Heritage Foundation: Leaky Leahy Seeks Sensitive Info Again
Project Veritas: Insider Blows Whistle & Exec Reveals Google Plan to Prevent “Trump situation” in 2020 on Hidden Cam
South Florida Business Journal: AT&T tallies $1B investment in South Florida
Fox News: San Diego spending millions to build elaborate tent facility for homeless
CNN: Under Pete Buttigieg, racial tension has long plagued South Bend’s Police Department
Gallup: New High in U.S. Say Immigration Most Important Problem



