Bite Me Caves on the Hyde Amendment

by Rush Limbaugh - Jun 7,2019

RUSH: Speaking of caving, Bite Me. Joe Biden. For 40 years Joe Biden has been out there claiming that he supports the Hyde Amendment; no federal funding for abortion anywhere in the United States or around the world, and he caved at the first sign of pressure from the Democrat Party. He’s caving on everything. He’s making it obvious he doesn’t believe anything or care about it.

Whatever position he needs to have is what position he’s going to stake out. And if it conflicts with his previous stances on things, it doesn’t matter, ’cause he knows that the Drive-Bys are largely going to overlook it. So take a break here.

We’ll come back and resume. There’s some interesting things about a couple of Mueller investigation and report witnesses who are really, really shady.

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