Mayor Pete’s Message for Immigrants

by Rush Limbaugh - May 7,2019

RUSH: And here’s Mayor Pete. “America was never as great as advertised.” He’s in South Carolina saying this. You know what? Mayor Pete, can I ask a favor? Would you head down to Texas, the Texas-Mexico border, and then go to the Arizona-Mexico border and then go to the New Mexico-Mexico border.

Then go to the California-Mexico border and tell them.

I want you to get a loudspeaker, get a bunch of megaphones like Al Sharpton does, I want you to go down to the border and start telling people on the Mexican side, “America is not as great as advertised. Turn around!” Would you do that, Mayor Pete? Could maybe you start a PAC where we could donate money for an advertising campaign that you would run advertisements in all these border states and say, “America was never as great as advertised, turn around, it isn’t worth coming here.”

Would you do that, Mayor Pete? That might actually help you, and it might actually help them. Somebody needs to tell the millions of illegals sneaking into the country that America isn’t as great as advertised, that they are falling for a myth, to turn around. And then somebody needs to tell the ChiComs who keep stealing our technology and intellectual property, “It isn’t that great. Stop stealing our stuff. It isn’t that good anyway.”

And then, Mayor Pete, I want you to go to the Nikkei index and all the stock markets in Europe and Asia and tell them that America isn’t as great as advertised and it isn’t worth investing in the United States. I want you to go all over the world, Mayor Pete, and tell all these people dying to get in here or invest their money here or steal our stuff that it ain’t that great. But what I really want you to do, Mayor Pete, is go to the border and tell them that. That’s the first thing that needs to happen.

And then you know what you need to do, Mayor Pete? Go to all of the tourism websites in Asia and Europe, North America, South America, every tourism sight, and put an ad “America isn’t as great as advertised. Don’t come.” You need to get the word out all over the world, Mayor Pete, and telling people on CNN ain’t gonna get it done and telling an audience on MSNBC ain’t gonna get it done.

If America isn’t as great as advertised, you need to tell everybody who’s trying to get in here, everybody’s trying to steal our stuff, everybody trying to invest with us, that it’s a mistake. Why have American movies since the days of Charlie Chaplin been purchased by billions of people around the world?

Yeah, that’s another thing. You need to tell movie audiences all over the world that Avengers: Endgame is a fraud, that it ain’t that great. And then you need to tell every nation on earth being defended by the U.S. military, “It ain’t that great, it’s not as great as advertised. The American military won’t protect you. Do it yourself.”

And then you go to go to all of the sick people in the world who are benefiting from American innovation and technology, pharmaceuticals and every other ology that it isn’t that great. America invented the idea that the individual is sovereign. Not the state, not the monarchy, the individual. The United States of America invented the idea that government should be limited in its reach and scope versus the people. America invented the concept of separation of powers. We invented a functioning constitutional Republic where natural rights come from God, not the Mayor Petes of the world.

And these rights, as acknowledged by our founders, can never be taken away by government because they are natural. They are God-granted as part of our creation. You need to run around the world, Mayor Pete, and telling everybody you can that this is a bunch of hokum, that it ain’t that great. Private property’s not what it’s made out to be, self-defense ain’t what it’s made out to be, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, a right to a lawyer, all of this. It’s all an illusion, Mayor Pete. All an illusion.

Prosperity that dazzles the world. A standard of living that trounces any other civilization at any time in world history. You need to tell ’em, Mayor Pete, it ain’t that great. Never has been. Never has been as great as advertised. A gross domestic product that is the envy of the world, an economy that is the savior of the world. First on the scene at every natural disaster. But it ain’t that great, Mayor Pete. And everybody needs to know that it ain’t that great. Not nearly as great as advertised.

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