If There Was a Joe Biden Statue, Leftists Would Tear It Down

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 25,2019

RUSH: Hey, folks, I was sitting here thinking today, if there were a statue of Joe Biden out there like there are statues of Kate Smith, if there were a statue of Joe Biden out there, what would leftists do with it? They would have to demand that it be torn down because of things he said in the past. This guy, Joe Biden, we got all kinds of audio sound bites coming up. This guy, Joe Biden, actually stood for segregation.

At one time in his life he was in favor of segregation. He said it was the one way to promote black strength and black pride. And he came out in favor of forced busing and so forth – actually, he was opposed to that. But he came out in favor of segregation. I’m going back to the 1970s now. But it doesn’t matter, Kate Smith sang those songs in the 1930s and they want to tear her statue down outside the arena in Philadelphia.

I mean, think of all of Bite Me’s positions. He voted for DOMA, the Defense Against Marriage Act. But then remember the Obama team sent him out there to announce their change of heart on gay marriage. People have forgotten this. Everybody thinks Obama took the lead on that, but he didn’t. He sent Bite Me out there to do it.

But originally Biden voted for the Defense of Marriage Act and against gay marriage. He opposed desegregation and busing to integrate the schools. He has a long history of harassing women, sniffing their hair and all of that. I mean, those things alone require a Joe Biden statue to be covered up. Am I wrong? Using the left’s own behavior here against them.

He voted against Anita Hill. Did you know that? He voted for Clarence Thomas. He voted against Anita Hill. He voted for Scalia to be on the Supreme Court. He bragged about Delaware’s history as a slave state. He did. He bragged about Delaware’s history as a slave state. Remember, he was walking into a 7-Eleven one day and started cracking jokes (imitating Biden), “Yeah, you can’t own one of these or even work in one of these unless you’re Indian.” Remember that? “Aw, that’s just old Joe.”

Of course he plagiarized everything Neil Kinnock ever said, wrote, or thought. And, of course, my all-time favorite Joe Biden, he’s in Missouri, some kind of a fundraiser, famous Missouri politician there is a paraplegic, sitting in a wheelchair. And Joe’s just going on flapping his gums (imitating Biden), “Hey, let’s give it up for Chuck. Chuck, stand up, man, stand up there and let us get — oh, my God. Oh, oh, my, oh, my, oh, God. Chuck can’t stand up. Oh, my God. Let’s all stand up for Chuck.” We have that the audio sound bite coming up.

Joe Biden voted for the crime bill. He voted for the Iraq war. I mean, if there were a statue of this guy, it would have been taken down already mere hours after his announcement. And this guy, don’t you love this, he announces his candidacy in a video. It’s an exhaustive thing to do, folks. It takes a lot of energy.

And this shameless, shameless reason he’s getting in is because of Charlottesville. We’ve gotta set the record straight on that again, which we will do. But I think he’s learning from the wrong people. He’s doing a Hillary Clinton here. After this exhaustive announcement today in the video, he’s taking three days off to rest and recuperate and rejuvenate, and his first event is gonna be Monday in Pittsburgh.

There’s a story here from TheHill.com: “Biden’s Sloppy Launch May Cost Him.” There’s another story at The Week, mocking and making fun of Biden. And then of course the polls! We’ve already got a poll out that says that Biden leads Trump by eight, and of course the rest of the Democrat field! Don’t you just love this? The same polls that had Hillary winning in a landslide throughout the 2016 campaign, they’ve already installed Biden in her honored place in presidential polls.

But we’re gonna get to the bulk of the Biden stuff in just a minute. I mean, I had to mention that because that’s the big news on the Democrat side today. Oh, and a Candace Owens tweet about one thing. She’s right about this. You know, Biden going off on what happened in Charlottesville and lying about it and making it up and using that as the reason to get in the race, that we’re losing the soul of our nation because of Trump, Candace Owens tweeted: “So Joe Biden jumps into the race claiming that white supremacy made him finally realize our nation’s at stake.”

And she says: “Black America, wake up. I am sick to my stomach that they’re gonna try to use us again” — meaning African-Americans — “to gain power. The Democrats think we are emotional and stupid.” I can totally understand her frustration. Candace Owens, brilliant. She’s been on the warpath.

You know, there’s a long parade of conservative African-Americans who’ve come along over the course of this program’s 30-year history and we’ve rallied behind them and we’ve thought these may be the people to actually upset the applecart, upset the idea Democrats get 92 to 93% of the African-American vote every presidential election.

Candace Owens is the latest, maybe the greatest — not to put anybody else down. But I can tell she’s getting frustrated. She’s got a movement called Blexit to take off on Brexit. Blexit, blacks exit the Democrat Party. And I can understand her frustration. It just doesn’t happen. It just doesn’t happen, although it’s too early to say it isn’t gonna happen in the 2020 election.


RUSH: Grab audio sound bite 13. We have here a montage of some of Joe Biden’s greatest hits from July 17, 2006, through August 14th of 2012. Now, the first thing… Oh, I see what it is. The first one is actually from August of 2008. This is before the presidential election of 2008. That’s the first bite that you will hear in this montage in three, two, one. Hit it!

BIDEN: (8/23/2008) A man who will be the next president of the United States, Barack America! (sic)

BIDEN: (7/17/2006) (background noise) In Delaware, you cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.

BIDEN: (1/31/2007) (background noise) You’ve got the first sorta mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook!

BIDEN: (8/14/2012) They going to put y’all back in chains!

BIDEN: (3/17/2010) His mom, uh, lived, uh, in — in Long Island for 10 years or so. Uh, God rest her soul, and, uh, uh, ummm… Although she’s… (sputters) Wait, your mom’s still…? Your mom’s still alive!

BIDEN: (9/9/2008) Chuck Graham, state senator’s here. Chuck? (cheers start) Stand up, Chuck! Let them see you! Oh, God love you. What am I talkin’ about?

RUSH: “Oh, God!” That’s the guy that’s in the wheelchair in Missouri. So let’s review these. August 23rd, 2018: “A man who will be the next president of the United States, Barack America!” July 17th, 2006: “In Delaware, you cannot go to a 7/11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” January 31st, 2007: “You’ve got the first sorta mainstream African-American who is articulate,” the first African-American who’s “bright and clean,” the first African-American who’s “a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook.”

Let anyone of us say that and we are toast forever!

We’re as gone as the next Robert E. Lee statue.

“You’ve got the first sort of mainstream African-American who is articulate,” and you know who this ticked off? Al Sharpton! People have forgotten this. This is January of 2007, and Bite Me is throwing his weight here behind “Barack America,” and Al Sharpton got livid over this. You know, ’cause he’d run for president before working on his matching funds and everything, and the insinuation was that he wasn’t clean, and that he wasn’t articulate! In fact… Well, we don’t have time for it. This would be a great time for Al Sharpton and Mama Told Me not to Run.

But Al was out there, and he was saying, “I take showers. I’m clean. I take it baths.” He was really indignant about this, and it took him a long time and a couple of trips to Sylvia’s soul food before he would end up supporting Barack Obama. And then: “Yeah, his mom lived in Long Island for 10 years or so, God rest her soul, and although she’s… (interruption) Wait, your mom’s still…? Your mom’s still alive?” Well, God rest her soul anyway!

And then: “Chuck Graham, state senator’s here” from Missouri. “Chuck? Stand up, Chuck! Let them see you! Oh, God love you. What am I talking about? Let’s stand up for Chuck,” because Chuck is sitting right there in front of Joe Biden in a wheelchair. Do we have time for the next one? Here’s Joe Biden on his previous beginnings and endings of presidential campaigns…

BIDEN (6/9/1987): It’s here that I’ve been professionally prepared for the journey that I begin today, and so it’s fitting that here that I declare that I am a candidate for president of the United States of America.

BIDEN (09/23/1987): I’ve concluded that I will stop being a candidate for president of the United States.

BIDEN (01/32/2007): Friends, today I filed the necessary papers to become candidate for president of the United States.

BIDEN (1/3/2008): A-a-a-as I got up and, uh, Jill told me the results, I didn’t feel… I — I — I — I — I feel no regret. Not one single, solitary ounce of regret.

BIDEN (4/25/19): America’s at stake. That’s why today I’m announcing my candidacy for president of the United States.

RUSH: First sound bite, 1987. Second sound bite three months later (laughing), 1987, and then in 2007. He made the clean, articulate black guy comments when he, too, was running for president. That’s called sucking up. But it didn’t work.


RUSH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Let me see if I’ve got audio of her here and Biden real quick. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that the prospect of a Joe Biden run for president does not particularly animate her. She said this Sunday. While she’s not yet decided on an endorsement, the idea of Biden running, quote, “does not particularly animate me,” unquote.

Ocasio-Cortez told the Yahoo News podcast Skullduggery that she will support whoever wins the nomination, but a bid by Biden would be going back instead of moving forward. “That does not particularly animate me right now. I can understand why people would be excited by that — this idea that we can go back to the good old days with Obama, with Obama’s vice president. There’s an emotional element to that, but I don’t want to go back. I want to go forward.”

Ocasio-Cortez expressed interest in Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Yeah, forward. (laughing) The most misnamed political ideology in the world today is progressive.


RUSH: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Let me see if I’ve got audio of her here and Biden real quick. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says that the prospect of a Joe Biden run for president does not particularly animate her. She said this Sunday. While she’s not yet decided on an endorsement, the idea of Biden running, quote, “does not particularly animate me,” unquote.

Ocasio-Cortez told the Yahoo News podcast Skullduggery that she will support whoever wins the nomination, but a bid by Biden would be going back instead of moving forward. “That does not particularly animate me right now. I can understand why people would be excited by that — this idea that we can go back to the good old days with Obama, with Obama’s vice president. There’s an emotional element to that, but I don’t want to go back. I want to go forward.”

Ocasio-Cortez expressed interest in Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Yeah, forward. (laughing) The most misnamed political ideology in the world today is progressive.


RUSH: So early today, Plugs Biden was in front of a pizza restaurant talking to a group of people, and said he wanted to bring America back to what it used to be. Take America back to what it used to be? Isn’t that kind of like making America great again? He wants to bring us back to jobs leaving and getting canceled on a weekly basis? Take us back to the Obama economy? Really?

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