The Nigerian Brothers Sue Everyone

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 23,2019

RUSH: Right before the program happened these two brothers in Chicago — man, is this not great? These are the two guys that Smollett and his lawyers say put whiteface on when they attacked him, and it was all a setup.

These guys are suing the city of Chicago for defamation because they went to a grand jury, and they talked to the cops, and they put their right hands on the Bible, they are Chicagoans up near Wrigley Field, and they told the truth.

They said that Smollett planned everything, he orchestrated everything, he paid them, he paid them to go get mugging supplies. He wrote a check for mugger supplies at some hardware store where they went out and got the materials needed, the rope to make the noose and so forth.

And since Kim Foxx, state’s attorney at Cook County came along and dismissed the charges, these guys say they’re left hanging, look like a bunch of liars and so forth, so they are suing for defamation. And this is gonna be fascinating, and they’re suing I think in addition to lawyers for Smollett, which would be Mark Geragos, they just had a massive press conference in Chicago. It was fun to watch, and it’s fun to contemplate.

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