Mueller Report Redacted Claim: Russia Taped Clinton Having Phone Sex with Lewinsky!

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 23,2019

RUSH:  Well, looky here. (shuffling paper) Looky here, folks.  I just learned something that was redacted in the Mueller report.  You’re gonna love this. (shuffling paper)  Greetings, and welcome back, folks.  Rush Limbaugh, serving humanity simply by showing up here at the Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Studies.  No graduates and no degrees because the learning never stops.  From the Washington Examiner…

By the way, you know something?  The Washington Examiner has become a recent sponsor of the EIB Network.  They have a great daily newspaper and a magazine. They are really doing… It’s hard to be unique — and, trust me, it’s hard to be unique in media, particularly with content.  Everybody’s dealing with the same content.  It’s how you deal with that content that determines, well, whether you stand out, whether you’re unique or not.

In print, it’s really tough.  I mean, how do you differentiate it?  Now, with the Drive-Bys it’s a little easier because the Drive-Bys do not do any stories favorable to Republicans and conservatives, and that is not an exaggeration.  In fact, the new rule in the Drive-By Media is if you have a story that’s bad for Republicans, bad for conservatives, you report it. You report it with glee!  You keep reporting it!

You pound people with it!  If you have a story that’s bad for the left, if you have a story that’s bad for the Democrats, you don’t report that.  You report the right’s reaction to it, and you use terms like Republicans “seize” on it or Republicans “pounce.”  But if it’s a story that’s bad for the left, they never report that.  They report on the Republican reaction to it and rip Republicans to pieces for the way they react to a story that’s bad for the left.

So in trying to come up with unique content, it’s not hard for conservative publications, because Drive-Bys ignore all of it other than to criticize it. But they really have at the Examiner. They’ve got… Like Byron York is over there. They’ve got some great people that make it stand out, and they have uncovered something that was redacted in the Mueller report.  “Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report mentions a claim that Russians recorded…”

Are you ready? “…President Bill Clinton having phone sex with … Monica Lewinsky — but the reference was redacted from the version released to the public. The redaction is likely to anger Republicans, because the allegation has been known since at least 2001 and the Mueller report’s reference to a claim that President Trump watched prostitutes urinating in a Moscow hotel room was not struck out.”

That’s the golden showers story, and the golden showers story is that Trump was in Moscow trying to further the building of a Trump hotel there and that he discovered he was staying in the same hotel room as Michelle (My Belle) Obama and Barack.  So when he learned that, he called a bunch of prostitutes over and had ’em urinate on the bed while he watched.  That’s the golden showers story, and it’s all over the Steele dossier, and it made it into the Mueller report.

What was redacted was President Clinton having phone sex, recorded by the Russians while on the phone with Monica Lewinsky.  “Clinton allegedly was recorded by Russia in the 1990s, allowing Russia to learn of the affair before American officials. A reference to the Clinton intercept was redacted from the Mueller report to protect ‘personal privacy,’ but sources told the Washington Examiner that the context makes clear what was blacked out. According to the report, Center for the National Interest President Dimitri Simes …”

Oh, I remember this guy.  Do you remember Dimitri Simes?  Dimitri Simes looks like his name.  He had a short little beard and close-cropped hair, bald on the top, and glasses, and he was forever on The NewsHour with MacNeil/Lehrer.  He was a regular on the MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.  I don’t remember if he hated the Bushes or not, but he was on during a time the Bushes were prominent, and you could barely understand what the guy was saying except when he said, “Boosh! (muttering) Boosh! (muttering) Boosh!”

I remember Jim Lehrer loved having Dimitri Simes on.  He was some think tank guy, and the think tank was the Center for the National Interest.  He was the president of it.  Anyway. “According to the report, Center for the National Interest President Dimitri Simes sent Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner a 2016 email with recommended talking points to counter Hillary Clinton’s Russia attacks.

“The email referenced ‘a well-documented story of highly questionable connections’ between Bill Clinton and Russia. At a meeting in New York, Simes told Kushner the details: Russia allegedly recorded President Clinton on the phone with Lewinsky, opening questions of foreign leverage over the ex-president-turned-potential first spouse. ‘During the August 17 meeting, Simes provided Kushner the Clinton-related information that he had promised. Simes told Kushner that” and this is redacted, so we don’t know what he said.

“‘Simes claimed that he had received this information from former CIA and Reagan White House official Fritz Ermarth, who claimed to have learned it from U.S. intelligence sources, not from Russians.'” Now, how about that?  The Mueller report features the fact that the Russians had Clinton on tape doing phone sex with Lewinsky.  That gets redacted and buried.

But the Trump golden showers story — which is a lie, it was made up — is part of the Steele dossier. It’s right out there for everybody to see.  Classic.  This Mueller report should have been no more than two pages.  If there was no collusion that they could find. What are these 488 pages for, folks?  And why is there a section 2 on obstruction when there wasn’t any, when Mueller couldn’t come to terms with it?  There doesn’t… The whole purpose of this was to find whether or not there was Trump-Russia collusion.

Of course, there never was.  This whole thing is so bogus.  But the report should have been no more than two pages.  Instead, it is a novel that’s filled with innuendo and all this lying crap from the Steele dossier, and then it recycles media stories that Mueller’s team leaked to the media and presents these media stories as further “evidence,” even though they found no evidence.  This is despicable piece of work.

It’s a stain on this country, if you ask me, this entire Mueller report and the whole thing.

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