Humbling Story About Dittohead Daughter

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 18,2019

RUSH: Okay, Sterling, Colorado. Susan, great to have you with us today. Hi.

CALLER: Rush, you know what? This is Susan. It’s an honor. I’ve tried forever to get through to you. One thing I do want to let you know is during Trump’s campaign… I have a mentally challenged daughter. She’s 35, and she did not understand politics at all. She thought it was all, you know, hogwash. And she started listening to you ’cause I listen to you every day, and you made her understand exactly what politics is about, what it’s like, and now what they will do to try to take down a president that we both voted for. So I just wanted to say thank you and keep educating both of us.

RUSH: Now, wait a minute. That —

CALLER: Hopefully, you can get through to the rest of America.

RUSH: Wait a second. That’s incredible. You have a learning-disabled child, did you say?

CALLER: Yes. And she was asking me —

RUSH: By the way, she’s not wrong in her original assessment of politics. It is —

CALLER: Right. You just made her understand more about how it’s done, why people need to vote — you know, had to vote — for Trump, why the election was so important that Trump win it.

RUSH: Well, I really appreciate that.

CALLER: She was having difficulty making her understand that, and you made her understand why.

RUSH: Well, I really appreciate that. One of the objectives here is to make the complex understandable, and I guess that —

CALLER: You do. Every day.

RUSH: Well, I —

CALLER: And I want to thank you for that. And, by the way, I love the tie that you wore on TV. I thought it was just gorgeous. You’re gorgeous on TV, let me tell you. I wish you had a TV show. The other thing I wanted to say is, you know, Wednesday’s “hump day.” Why can’t Thursday be “Trump day,” especially after Barr’s announcement?

RUSH: Hump day, Trump day. (laughing)

CALLER: (laughing)

RUSH: You just made it. Which tie? I’ve been on TV a lot.

CALLER: The one you were wearing with Sean Hannity. Was it a week and a half ago you were on, maybe? It was a white one or ivory color with stripes? It was just absolutely gorgeous, that tie you wore.

RUSH: Oh, you’re talking about the red and silver tie.


RUSH: Yeah.

CALLER: Very nice on you, I gotta tell you. Very nice on you.

RUSH: Thank you. Thank you very much. I appreciate that.

CALLER: But I thank you for everything you do, and I really hope that the other half of America will wake up. I have family members that still think Obama is the greatest thing since the slice of bread.

RUSH: Well, that isn’t gonna change. There’s a racial component there. It’s not quite half, either. But I get what you mean. I really appreciate it, by the way, Susan. Thanks very much.

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