Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 12,2019

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

Apr 12, 2019


NewsBusters: Nets Give One Minute to Obama Counsel Indictment, Gave Manafort’s 60 Percent of Airtime
Daily Caller: Former Obama Aide Indicted For Lying To DOJ
Washington Post: White House Proposed Releasing Immigrant Detainees in Sanctuary Cities, Targeting Political Foes
AP: Trump Considered Sending Migrants to Democratic Strongholds
Reuters: U.S. House Democrats Blame Trump for Worsening Border Crisis
Alabama.com: White House Considers Sending Illegal Immigrant Children to Sessions’ Home State
Shelby.senate.gov: Shelby and Sessions: Halt Obama’s Plans To House Illegal Alien Juveniles In Baldwin County
Washington Post: A New Low: Trump Tried to Use Migrants as Cannon Fodder Against Democrats – Jennifer Rubin
FOXNews: Comey Scoffs at Barr Testimony, Claims ‘Surveillance’ is Not ‘Spying’
FOXNews: Barr is Right to Review Why Trump-Russia Investigation Began – Andrew McCarthy
Daily Wire: Boston Globe Publishes, Then Edits Op-Ed Encouraging Waiters To ‘Tamper With’ Trump Official’s Food
Boston Globe: Keep Kirstjen Nielsen Unemployed and Eating Grubhub Over Her Kitchen Sink
Mercury News: Dump Detained Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities? Bay Area Mayors React
The Hill: GOP Grows Tired of Being Blindsided by Trump
Washington Times: Mitch McConnell Tells 2020 Republicans to Run ‘Independent’ of Trump
The Hill: Republicans Writing Off Hard-Line DHS Candidate
Daily Wire: House Dems Introduce Bill To Force Schools To Allow Transgender Male Athletes To Compete As Females


Here are some of the places I go to prepare for the show: