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RUSH: My friends, for the first time, atheists have become the largest “religious group” in America. The “religion” of no religion.

The number of Americans who profess no belief in God has skyrocketed, increasing 266 percent over the last 30 years. Now almost a quarter of the population is atheist. Atheists outnumber Catholics and Evangelicals. And mainstream Protestant churches have declined 62 percent since 1982. A lot of numbers in this update.

Is anybody surprised? Liberal Democrats have been waging a war on faith since the 1960s. And their “victories” are shattering our society.

You can see signs of the new godlessness everywhere: the murder rates in blue cities, the crimes against children, the disintegration of the traditional family. For heaven’s sake, look at a million abortions in America every year, and liberals celebrating abortion up to the moment of birth – and after.

The same survey revealed something else, a “Happiness Recession.” Not a coincidence. It turns out, the non-religious — and you non-religious know who you are — 40 percent are less likely to say they’re “very happy,” compared to the religious.

Amen to that. The left is as wrong about God, as they are about everything else, and that’s saying something.

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