Rush 24/7 Morning Update: 2020 Fears

by Rush Limbaugh - Apr 3,2019

RUSH: By this time next year, the 2020 census will be underway. But leftists are very scared that this census could be a bust.

That’s right, my friends, according to the Los Angeles Times, researchers say that as many as 1.3 million California residents might not participate in the census, and that could cost the state a lot of money and other things big time, politically and financially.

How afraid are California Democrats? Afraid enough that the states gonna spend $150 million on “outreach” to try to bribe – I mean, convince – residents to participate.

If there’s an “undercount,” Democrats could lose seats in Congress. And that’s not all. The amount of federal aid to California alone that’s directly linked to the census is 115 billion dollars.

That’s why liberals in California and other big blue cities do not want the question about citizenship on the census. And that’s why they’re fighting it tooth and nail in court.

The Democrats fear illegal immigrants will not want to answer that question, and therefore will not participate, and therefore will not be counted, which will therefore cost Democrats power and money.

Power and money! Democrats depend on illegal immigration for both, power and money.

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