Rush 24/7 Morning Update: More Hate

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 28,2019

RUSH: What a tragic case. In August 2017, a fire destroyed a house in Jackson, Michigan. Two firefighters were hurt.

The home was shared by 54-year-old Nikki Joly and his partner Chris Moore. They lost everything, including three cats and two dogs. Joly is a transgender activist, so speculation raged that the fire was a hate crime.

The good people of Jackson responded. Hundreds came to a fundraiser for the trans-partners. More than $50,000 was raised.

After a long investigation, police finally had answers. No, Jussie Smollett didn’t do it; it was a deliberate act, though. Yes, it was arson. But a hate crime? Not so much.

The person police charged with first-degree arson is none other than trans-activist Nikki Joly. Cops say he burned down his own house, killing his own pets! Joly’s lawyer says his client is innocent because of “an absence of motive.” (Well, other than the $50,000.)

First Jussie Smollett and now this. You know, these days, hate crimes seem to be running into problems.

They’re being committed by people that hate themselves, it seems like.

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