Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Farmington U

by Rush Limbaugh - Feb 1,2019

RUSH: The University of Farmington in Michigan offered students flexible schedules. It promised to prepare students for jobs in the global economy. The tuition didn’t break the bank. Grad students paid just $11,000. Undergrads were charged $8,500. That’s peanuts by comparison to other places.

And here’s the best part: Students at Farmington University never had to deal with the stresses of other universities. No worries about grades, homework, or being triggered by microaggressions.

Because there were no classes. There wren’t any professors, no degrees.

Farmington University was a fraud! It had a website, but it was all a scam to allow foreign nationals who were in the U.S. on student visas, to stay here legally — without having to really attend school.

Yup. That’s right, my friends: Foreign nationals outsmarted America again. Until last Wednesday, when arrest warrants started flying. It turns out, the University of Farmington was set up by ICE, as a sting operation.

And now, people here illegally are being stung, and they actually are learning something. And the Democrats found out about this and they are just livid — which we all enjoy.

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