Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Harassment Crisis

by Rush Limbaugh - Jan 28,2019

RUSH: Last week the United Nations released a survey of its employees and it was not flattering. One-in-three workers at the U.N. say they’ve been sexually harassed in the last two years.

This harassment includes sexual jokes, offensive remarks about appearance, and unwelcome sexual conversations. The highest rate of harassment was reported by U.N. employees identifying as lesbian, gay, and queer. They call themselves that, don’t jump on me. LGQ, you know the drill.

The U.N. isn’t the only so-called humanitarian group with problems. Employees say the World Health Organization has tolerated racism, bias, and financial misconduct. The World Health Organization is looking into it. A survey of employees at the Joint U.N. Program on HIV/AIDS found widespread complaints of sexual harassment and bullying.

This sounds like a crisis to me. Liberals, social justice warriors, and other humanitarians are sexually harassing other liberals? Lesbians, gays, and queers (they said it, not me) are hardest hit.

I just want to know how long this bad behavior will be permitted? I want to know how does it happen? I thought these people are perfect and they never did things like this. I thought it was only us. Why and how is this happening?

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