Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Spreading the Wealth
RUSH: Here’s another example of how liberals spread the wealth.
RUSH: Here’s another example of how liberals spread the wealth.
RUSH: There is no, and has not been any, Trump collusion with Russia, and Mueller and his team have known about this. They've known this from the get-go.
RUSH: “Are we gonna get Trump? Did we get Trump? Oh, wow! We're gonna get Trump today! We're gonna get Trump today! Oh, wow!” They can't contain themselves.
RUSH: President Trump said that he "trusts the Democrats will negotiate in good faith," which is the flaw here in the thinking. But he knows that.
RUSH: Friends of mine are imploring me to do what I can to encourage the implementation of the national emergency.
RUSH: A lot of people say, "What's Trump got to lose? They're gonna hate him? They already hate him! They're gonna try to throw him out of office?"
RUSH: This sends me into orbit! These are the people we count on!
RUSH: You may be on to something out there.
RUSH: By hook or crook, whether you agree to it or not, they're gonna find a way to make you pay for the destruction of this planet that you have furthered.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.