Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Courage
RUSH: It took courage for Gladys Knight to stand up against the left-mob on Twitter.
RUSH: It took courage for Gladys Knight to stand up against the left-mob on Twitter.
RUSH: You find a bunch of anonymous jackasses on Twitter who think actually what you think, and you quote 'em, and then you say, "Twitter has blown up!"
RUSH: Trump has a new slogan, folks. He tweeted it out. I think we need caps.
RUSH: How many of you ever assumed that after they won the House, that they would shut down the government and then try to prevent Trump from giving the State of the Union address?
RUSH: One day, everything about us is supposedly racist, bigoted, homophobic, reprehensible — and they expect us just to sit here and be docile under this assault?
RUSH: He doesn't owe anybody an apology! Apologize for wearing the cap? Apologizing for smiling? Well, what does he have to apologize for?
RUSH: Comedy has been overrun and totally taken over by people to whom nothing in life is funny.
RUSH: Children everywhere. We're surrounded by em’ disguised as adults.
RUSH: Ticketholders to the Saints-Rams championship game are gonna sue the NFL over that bad pass interference call.
RUSH: . The election is 23 months away. The things that are gonna happen between now and the election are unpredictable. We can't possibly know.
RUSH: Before the feminazis came along and asserted themselves, men were different than women! Imagine that!
RUSH: Well, folks, it gets increasingly comical here. I just spent three minutes watching CNN.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.