Do a State of the Union Rally, Mr. President!
RUSH: What Trump ought to do is an arena and don't do a rally, but a literal State of the Union address and talk about State of the Union and Democrats' role in destroying it or damaging it.
RUSH: What Trump ought to do is an arena and don't do a rally, but a literal State of the Union address and talk about State of the Union and Democrats' role in destroying it or damaging it.
RUSH: Donald Trump can win this if he hangs on. It's gonna be few more weeks. It's gonna be risky.
RUSH: I'm asking myself, do these people really think that Trump was ready to sign the continuing resolution until I warned him not to do it? Do they really think that?
RUSH: Every question Barr got yesterday was essentially, "Are you going to make sure Mueller finishes and sends Trump to jail?"
RUSH: Apple was blindsided by this. Let me give you a brief history.
RUSH: From the moment that happened, British elites have been trying to sabotage it.
RUSH: The biggest mistake the feminists ever made was to try to move their agenda forward by essentially acting like men — and then once in that universe, claiming they're better than men.
RUSH: You can be as mean-spirited and extremist and filled with hate all you want, as long as your target is Trump voters and Republicans.
RUSH: Folks, my tech blogs were giddy last night.
RUSH: The Clintons do this kind of stuff every day. It's called lobbying. What's the difference?
RUSH: There is a fascinating piece, if it's possible, in Vanity Fair magazine today on their website about the Democrats abandoning the Obama agenda and why they are.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
RUSH: So an Obama judge has now declared it illegal for our own government to ask if people taking a government census are citizens.