Rush 24/7 Morning Update: He’s Done
RUSH: At the swearing-in of California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom (I was just swearing, myself) something unusual happened.
RUSH: At the swearing-in of California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom (I was just swearing, myself) something unusual happened.
RUSH: This is a question that I think is a microcosm of the overall question that we face regarding the country at large: Are we in a crisis?
RUSH: I want to ask you: Who thinks this way?
RUSH: They're gonna run instant fact check. You're gonna clutter up the screen here to the point nobody's gonna be able to read anything.
RUSH: Anyone seen the movie on Netflix Bird Box? Have you seen it?
RUSH: The Drive-Bys must be getting frustrated, because they're unable to alter the course of events here so they change these narratives off and on.
RUSH: Conservative media is not even picking this up and running with it. It's just standing out there all alone.
RUSH: If California can become everything Donald Trump opposes, and let's see what happens. We already know what's gonna happen because it's already begun to happen. Same thing in New York.
RUSH: They've even ginned up this debate over whether or not Trump has the power to declare a national emergency, and this is not the even arguable.
RUSH: Kevin McCarthy — Republican member of the House of Representatives — claimed that 33% of the women in migrant caravans are raped or treated violently.
RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.