Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Free Time — Free Money
RUSH: Even though Californians will soon be able to take six months off, with pay, to have a baby, nobody knows how this will be paid for.
RUSH: Even though Californians will soon be able to take six months off, with pay, to have a baby, nobody knows how this will be paid for.
RUSH: And greetings once again to you music lovers, thrill-seekers, conversationalists all across the fruited plain. Welcome to a guy in a golf shirt in Palm Beach on the EIB Network!
RUSH: I don't think they understand how ridiculous, how just flat-out childish they all sound.
RUSH: If I wanted to come here and be Mr. Pessimism, I could tell you that we are anticipating and looking forward to what could be one of the most depressing, damaging, horrible years.
RUSH: It remains a one-man show: Donald Trump against the Democrat Party and the media!
RUSH: There's one guy showing the way, one guy standing up, one guy educating, one guy informing, one person standing firm in his common-sense beliefs about these things.
RUSH: The Democrats are showing us that they have a jaundiced view, a perverted view of the people who elected Trump and who they are, and they're already attempting to appeal to 'em.
RUSH: To me, it is important, because it blows up so many things the left has been attempting to establish.
RUSH: We need to make more people ideologically aware, not just to wear a party label.
RUSH: This devotion to character they have is simply an excuse. It's simply a way for them to constantly say they are better people than Trump.
RUSH: I've got a lot of people asking, "Rush, are you gonna talk about what happened to the Apple stock?" Yeah, I am.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.